2: Chinese new year predictions.

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School. I am pretty sure anyone reading has gone to school. Maybe your in primary school, or a middle scholar , or maybe even a high scholar , who knows, and some of you might also have graduated from school. But you went their right! Nether less to say , we all went to school , and the memories we made their will always stick to us. Even if it is the countless nights staying up to study or the fun times you had with your friends , they will all stick to us.

I'm saying this because i am tired of school. Don't take it the wrong way i love school, but the pressure is on this term and it really hurts me.There is a lot that i am going through and i didn't tell a single soul, well ... i talk to myself at night about my troubles which lead to crying but that's not important.This will be the hardest 2 terms ever.

I can't believe it is 2020. I can't believe that i am back at school. I can't believe i am still lying to myself. I can't believe i am getting progress in all my desires and hobbies.I can't believe it is almost Chinese new year and i am getting more pocket money.Yeah. That's right. I am Asian and Chinese. All of us are. And this year i am going to buy a switch and much more.

I'm going to borrow Flora's games for switch. I'm probably going to rent it since she might also want to play her games. And with the remaining money, i will keep it, use it Little by little.See , i got it all planned out ahead of me, well.... unless i don't have enough money to afford one , but, that's an if.

I wonder what my friends want to use their money for.

Brooke is a nice person an she likes to keep her money for future causes , but she might buy a new watch or a pair new shoes. It could happen. Flora likes to buy some of her stuff from smiggle or justice ( the clothing line) same thing for Maya too. So they might spend on buying trendy stationary and sequenced stuff.It could happen.

Jess likes calligraphy and i think she gave up on cleaning her locker.. and she also like harry potter.So maybe square lined paper or the dotted ones, and harry potter stuff, or an organizer for her locker...Naori might buy equipment for gymnastics , swimming or cheer leading or she could buy new shoes or a sling bag like Brooke it could happen.Vanessa, she wouldn't spend a single cent of her money.

This all, it could happen. If it does,Its a miracle. It would be amazing. I don't know if it means i know my friends to well , or i am a fortune teller.

Well come back in 2 weeks or at least in like 2 more parts to see if i was right. God this will be a hassle.

See you next part. GO click the button and i appreciate you all wasting your time on reading about my life scenarios. Sorry for this part aka the most boring part ever. I promise the next one is better..

Thank you.

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