Legends Arc

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As a message to anyone who's actually reading this, the next sotries are from the same group of people within the world of Osmanreön. The events of this story happened just after the Ascension, as it is known in Madris, where most of the events of this story take place. The events of these stories also occur before the start of the great Madrian conflict, meaning that North and South Madris are simply one nation known as Madris.

However, thats enough about Lore. Let's meet our cast shall we?
Simply put, this group of adventurers never found their own name, though they were called many things.

Our first member is Miru.
Miru was once a lowly farmer, later drawn out of his village to defend it from raiders. He used the essence of his enemies to destroy them and used his ferocious speed to stun and destroy his enemies. Miru is human, has deep blue eyes and raven-black hair. His skin is tan and covered with tattoos that depict his faith and influence within his monastery.

Our next member would be a bright young maiden who wears scale mail armour and holds a shield. Standing at 5'8" this Half-wood elf, half-human Cleric heals her party and is fascinated with historical artefacts, adventuring was the best way for her to discover such artefacts. Amelia has Pure-diamond blonde hair and hazel eyes.

The third member of the party shares a...fairly unprofessional relationship with Amelia. At 460 years old, this High Elven woman has pure white hair, wears glasses to see and practises magic. She stands at 5'0" high and has blue eyes. She prefers to defend, however Korra is also confident in her abilities to harm and destroy.

The fourth party member hides a secret from all but one party member who you are yet to meet. Being a Changeling they go by many names, however their most common is Chleo. Many years ago she made a pact with a blade that granted her power in exchange for they aid. Though, just because they rely on another creature's power doesn't mean she cant utilize it in an extremely dangerous manner. Chloe's form appears as a female with amber eyes and red hair and light skin.

The next member is a member that knows Chleo's true nature, but knows what it is like to be discriminated against. Damien, a half-drow, half-human assassin stabds t 5'3", has dusky-grey skin, yellow eyes and silver hair.

Phema is the sixth member of the party, she is a Half-Orc with darker skin and white war-paint usually on her body, her hair is curly and brown and goes into a pony tail. mixed with plants and loose hair.

Mist would be the 7th of the 8 members of the party, she is an air genasi woman with sky-blue skin, cloud-white hair and hazel eyes. She sacrifices her own vitality to grant herself power. She also has the ability to draw upon Lycanthropic abilities.

Now, the last member of our party hasn't been met as of yet by the rest of them. In fact, meeting them might have been the beginning of the downfall of this party.  Roza, is a tiefling who lost everything she once had. Her kingdom in rubble and her king killed she continues to uphold her oath to the crown. This haunted Palading must face her demons before she can even try to free her home.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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