2. A Lesbian and a Corvette

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Chapter Two

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Sara pounded on the steering wheel.

I gaped at the accident out the window. A four-car pileup, at least. Two police cars, a tow truck, and traffic that would make rush hour ashamed.

"I'm sorry. You totally should've taken the bus."

My eyes darted to Sara, not wanting to look away from the horror that was a mere twenty feet from me. "No, it's fine."

Sara grumbled to herself, fiddling with the radio. A rock/alternative station came on, and she hesitated to hear the song. I smiled. "You like Panic! at the Disco?"

She looked at me for the first time since her comment on my attractiveness. "Love them. You too?"

"God, yes. I got addicted back in London and never gave them up."

She smirked. "I thought I recognized an accent."

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Dammit, is it that obvious?"

She laughed. "It's cute. What's your favorite Panic! song?"

"Sarah Smiles," I answered automatically, then giggled. "Like your name!"

She gave me a short glance, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Take off the 'h' and you got it. I like that one too. Although Hurricane is pretty orgasmic."

I gave a murmur of approval.

There was a short silence, with the quiet whispers of a Green Day song coming from the speakers. Sara took a breath, as if to speak, then paused, as if reconsidering. I studied her carefully. "What?" I prompted.

"Oh, nothing. I was thinking about us hanging out sometime, but..."

To my surprise, a pleased grin spread across my face. "I'd love to."

She looked just as surprised as I felt. "Really?"

"Sure. Have you ever been to the coffee house on the corner of fifty-fourth and Madison?"

"Of course! I live right over there."

I chuckled. "Funny I've never seen you; I live right off of Madison."

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

We grinned at each other.

It was the moment any lesbian would have dreamed of. Yet Sara didn't take advantage, she only smiled slightly as she settled back in her seat, adjusting her seatbelt. I turned my gaze back to the window, the accident now behind us.

I was absolutely fine with being late.

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A/N: Yo, thanks for reading! I guess I should apologize for bringing up music tastes, that's pretty tacky, ain't it? I couldn't help myself, P!ATD is amazing. That's how I started a relationship. :)

Besides, it might come up later in the story. Stay tuned! ;)

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