Chapter 11

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I woke up in a soft bed in a dark, it looked familiar it almost looked like... No it can't be, I shot out of bed and ran to the window and flung it open. It was true I was back at the orphanage they tock me home. How could they. How could Jack. I shut the window slowly and lent against the wall sliding down to the floor and burrowing my head in my knees, I began to cry but suddenly the door swung open,

"Oh your up, someone here's to see you"

The laddie huffed at me a slammed the door, I could here her say something behind the closed door,

"She should have stayed away from here, its not like someone missed her or wanted her back"

I didn't care what they said I just wanted to see Jack again. What's wrong with me why do I keep thinking about Jack he left me here. I have a weird feeling in my stomach every time I think about him. Do I like him? Someone nocked on the door interrupting my thoughts, I didn't answer I just sat there waiting for them to go away,

"Jane are you ok?"

My head shot up from my knees wen I heard her voice, the door cracked open and Navi's head popped round,


She opened the door and ran in,



She dropped to her knees and hugged me,

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you to"

We were both whelming up with tears. Navi broke the hug and looked at me angrily,


I asked,

"Why did you run away you scared me so much!"

She snapped,

"I couldn't take it any more losing you and living here was to much I had to leave but..."

"But what?"

She asked,

"I met this boy and these amazing people they tock me in, the boy was named Jack and he was so kind he got me this..."

I touched my neck thinking my neckless would be they but it wasn't I frowned and dropped my head,

"They said you were talking about these people"

She said standing up in disbelief,


"The doctors they said you kept talking about them wen you woke up, you said you meet Santa, Easter bunny, sand man, tooth fairy and Jack frost, you said they were real they thought you were crazy so they nocked you out"

"They are I meet them and Jack..."

I stood up but she interrupted me,

"I know I believe you Jane its just that why do you keep going on about Jack frost?"

"I don't know there something about him, anyway enough about me how's your new family?"

She smiled wen I brought up the subject,

"There so nice and supportive and... Oh yeah there's someone I want you to meet"

She walked over to the door and waved into the distance for someone to come in. A minute later a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes walked into the room and kissed Navi, I was surprised,

"Jane this is my boyfriend Darren"

"Pleaser to meet you Jane"

He nodded at me and I smiled,

"We meet at my new school he helped me with my studying and one thing led to another and here we are"

I felt jealous for Navi and Darren they were so happy together I wish I could call someone my own. We talked for a hour then they were tolled to leave because I needed to rest my 'crazy' head. I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about Jack and if I liked him and if I did, did he like me. We kissed once but I don't know if that meant anything to him. How I wish I could see him again.

So I made up my mind about the sequel and bad ending/good ending and I am going with good ending but... I will making another book but has nothing to do with this one. Oh and warning next chapter is short due to drama chapter 13 so wait and see!
Love ya all p.s sorry Mai and Navi!

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