chapter 1

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Paige POV

I quickly slipped on a black dress with long sleeves and a V neck, put on my makeup, and sheathed my sword at the belt around my waist. Hey, a knight never goes anywhere unarmed.

I quickly ran down my tower, my dress treated to trip me so I held it up. I waved as I passed by the guards who guarded my tower, I may be a knight, but a knight caught off guard was a lousy one.

I ran as fast as I could, my sword rattling in its sheath. I smiled as I saw my friend, Aj, waiting for me by the drawbridge. "Your late." She muttered as I slid to a stop. "I forgot, my bad." My British accent standing out against hers.

She sighed and flipped her hair, walking inside the castle. Her dress was lime green, not poofy. It was sleeveless and had a heart neck line.

"Remember, don't talk to anyone unless they address you." I nodded and walked beside her, back straight, nose in the air.

"Well, why don't we make a entrance." Aj smirked at me, then nodded. We started skipping, holding our dresses up so we didn't trip. We got glances from random people, but we didn't mind. This should be normal for them, after all, we're always skipping around like this.

Aj threw opened the doors, and we skipping over to the last two available seats. I knew all these people, the royals who made up our giant kingdom.

Farah the Fairy, queen of the forbidden lands, also known as where you go when your banished from all the kingdoms.

Marry the merciful, the queen of the winter wonderlands. She takes in the good, and takes mercy on the less fortunate. She takes the people that get kicked out of corndoglandia.

Speaking of corndoglandia, the three kings were here to. Lucas, Ethan and Jeremiah. They sat at the head of the table beside each other. It was where all the good went.

Samantha the sender, she found people who were wandering and looking for homes and sent them to corndoglandia. Then if they were bad enough they would make their way down to Farah's kingdom.

Aj was the princess of crazy castle, everyone went here before getting sent to the forbidden lands. I was only her guard, I went wherever she went. No one else brought their guards because they were kings and queens and could handle themselves, but her father, the king of crazy castle, was sick and couldn't move from his bed so she attended this meeting.

I looked around, this was one of the rare occasions when Farah called a meeting. We always call a meeting here in corndoglandia because all the other castles surrounded it.

Jeremiah held up a hand and everyone went silent.

"I have called this meeting in the order of the four kingdoms. It seems the order has been... Disrupted.

"There is one girl who I think should be kicked out of all four kingdoms."

Everyone murmered to each other as Farah stopped talking. "Everyone who agrees say 'I'."

"I." Aj said.

"I." Ethan and Lucas said.

"I'm not sure, wouldn't that be a little harsh?" Marry asked, fiddling with her fingers. Jeremiah nodded, and Samantha groaned. "It disrupts the balance! And where would we put them? You can't just kick them out of all the kingdoms! What if I find them again and bring them back? What if-"

Farah put her hand on Samantha's mouth and stopped the endless flow of questions and problems.

"Jeremiah, why do you disagree?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Its not right. Corndoglandia is supposed to be a peaceful place, I understand you have limited laws that need to be followed, but why ban them from the kingdoms?"

She thought about it for a second or two before coming up with an idea. "Execution! Perfect! I'll have her execution tomorrow. Anyone against her execution speak now or forever hold your peace."

Samantha didn't seemed bothered by the decision, if anything she seemed pleased. Mary didn't look like she liked the decision at all, but she hated angering people, especially Farah. Jeremiah seemed speechless, his eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.

"Woah, woah, woah. Execution? Isn't that a bit much, I mean what could anyone do to deserve that. I know you like killing people in your land, but you usually give then a few more chances. And we have never heard of him before, so why not just give him one more chance?"

Farah sighed and shook her head. "It is a girl, and, no. She has ran out of excuses and all my pity for her has been drained out. I hereby sentence Fionna Mohammad to execution."

My jaw dropped, and I looked around, stunned. The only person who seemed troubled by this now was me and Mary.

I sighed and shook me head, one day candy land will be reborn, and I heard a rumor they're looking at me to be the queen. First, I should learn their personalities, then I'll make for the throne.

Hey knightmares!!!

Just wanna let u in on something, Farah the fairy's pictures are on the side, and Farah the fairy is me :3 literally I'm basing her off of me AND those pictures are actual selfies I took. Anyways, in school me and my friends really, like, LOVE corn. So, my friend jerimiah came up with "corndoglandia" and we've been at it ever since. After our teacher said, "what do u wanna be when u grow up," I raised my hand and screamed, "EVIL FAIRY!!" Then I was an evil fairy for Halloween and people have been calling me fairy ever since. Yeah, my names Farah in real life... Heh. Anyways, I love ya!


(Or Farah :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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