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So you could tell with the Important Message chapter what I will say.

I am ending the book. I am so sorry that I didnt even bother finishing your requests but I hace writer's block rn and no matter how hard I try I really cant think of anything.

I really treasured the times I was writing these oneshots. I got to meet new people and they have become my close friends. I really appreciate the reads, votes, comments and support. I was really happy with the 2.87k reads. It showed how good I got over the time. But I really cant continue on anymore. Thats why I am working on the Hidden Universe book so that I can move to a new story. I know you are thinking that "If you cant continue then why are you writing another story?" Its because I have lost ideas for oneshots for IE. Dont get me wrong, I love IE, its the first anime I have ever watched. But ya know? I really love Fairy Tail. Its taught me to move dorward and not backward. I am truly sorry and I fully accept and understand your anger at me.


Fell For You ~ Inazuma All Series One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon