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Jaden is 8  years old. He loves reading story books. His father Mr. Colson first introduced him to story-books and taught him how interesting it is to read different stories... Mr. Colson often asks him about the stories he reads and Jaden describes those stories with great excitement. While listening to Jaden, Mr. Cason often gives him useful advices. 

While talking about books, one day he told Jaden that it's really bad thing to judge books by their covers... Jaden asked "If it's really that bad, then why does every book have a cover daddy? Books without covers ever exist? Have you ever read any book like that daddy?"

"Hm... No.. no I haven't read anything like that... but maybe there are books like that..." replied  Mr. Colson.

He guessed that right.

.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora