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Our story takes place in the North of France, in Crottet, a little village of the Nord-Pas-De-Calais. If you still think the French accent is sexy, that's because you never heard the northern accent. It sounds like if you were retarded, talking with a burning potatoe in the mouth. The North is the holy land of the rednecks, consanguinity, cheap beer, cheese and tuning festivals. That's where our two main protagonists leave.

Yukiko was a young, single mother, raising her emo teen Haki. She is secretary in a beauty institute. What she was the best at ? Picking the phone despite her nail extensions, and answering the client with some clever « mhh mhh » that are so similar, that you would believe you copy pasted the sound. She recently met a new man, and the cohabitation with Haki wasn't exactly what you would call idyllique.

Actually, Gaara, his new step father, is obsessed with discipline, and, the truth is, Haki is a bit of a rebellious child. As he grew up without any father figure, he is in constant rejection of authority, which makes Gaara mad.

Gaara is the kind to vote for the far right parti, always complaining about the migrants. During the family diner he would low-key say he wished the concentration camps still existed. « We would put all these in it, all together and so we will stay between civilized people. » Haki would then raise the brows and whisper to indicate his annoyance. Yukiko, doesn't have any political ideology, she just approves whatever her man says, with her legendary « mhh mhh », which was annoying the poor emo kid even more. 

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