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Savannah-Lynn is 24 years old. She graduated from Belmont University. She has a degree in Early Childhood Education and she is and first grade teacher at Rehobeth Elementary School. It's December and it's nearing Christmas time. For Christmas, she got invited to spend the holiday season with the royal family of Luxembourg up until the wedding of Lania and Sebastian. Lania is Vannie's best friend since elementary school. Lania flew back to the states to help Vannie pack for Christmas and her trip to Italy after Christmas. While in Luxembourg Vannie will be attending the State Dinner on the 22nd. The State Dinner is we're ten countries and ambassadors come to Luxembourg to have Christmas dinner with the royal family. On the 23rd, she will attend the famous Christmas Ball. The 24th, is the day the royal family does Christmas with each other. They will do a Christmas brunch. Lania is throwing Vannie a birthday bash. Christmas, Vannie and Lania have three outfit changes for the Christmas Breakfast, Christmas Church Service, and the Christmas Dinner. Even after Christmas Day the Christmas festivities continue. They will walk in the Christmas Parade. December 27th is all about getting ready for the wedding and December 28th is the wedding day.

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