Nineteen Years Later

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Albus, Scorpius, Draco, and Harry Potter walked towards King's Cross station. 

"So," said Draco, holding hands with Harry. "Are you ready for your first year of Hogwarts?"

"Dad," said Scorpius, his pale face turning red as Albus smiled. "Papa says that if I don't get into Gryffindor, he'll steal back the Invisibility Cloak."

Draco looked at Harry. "Really Scorpius, you shouldn't tell your father such obserd things."

They walked through the barrier onto Platform Nine and Tree Quarters, "Now quickly ten fifty-five." 

After Albus and Scorpius got their stuff onto the Hogwarts Express, they came back out. Before anything could happen, the whistle blew. 

"Quick, on the train, you don't want to be."

Scorpius and Albus stuck their heads out of the train. "Bye!"

"Good bye," said Draco. "See you a Christmas." He looked up at Harry, who had tears in his eyes. "Scared Potter?"

Harry kissed Draco. "You wish."

Harry though back, to the flash of light, and couldn't help but wonder if that was the the way things had split.  

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