Training and Orientation Part One!

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'Ugh That was horrible.' I thought, getting out of bed and getting ready for my morning exercises. The dream was already fading though, only certain parts repeating in my brain. Luna jumped off her bed, stretching and sitting down by my feet as i put my hair in a quick bun. 'Ne-Chan? Are you alright? You made a lot of noise in your sleep. I thought about waking you, but I remembered you had tests to take today and i decided restless sleep was better than no sleep.' Luna yawned, sending her thoughts to me. "Im fine imouto, it was just a weird dream. If it happens again ill tell you about it, k? Why don't you go wake up Naruto, and check on Sasuke. Then we can start our stretches." I turned to the bathroom, hearing her mumbled 'If you say so...' Five minute later i was out in our backyard, joining Sasuke as he went through his stretches. A screech and a muffled bang later, Luna and Mint came running from the house, an enraged Naruto skidding to a stop behind them.                                                                            Sasuke just calmly pointed to Naruto's spot, and we both ignored his whining. This happened almost every morning, sometimes with Naruto pranking the cats instead. Their mini-war was getting kinda annoying, and the reason was because the last two times Naruto came to wake Luna, he ended up scaring her into attacking me with her claws. That was also the reason i no longer shared my bed with her, investing in a giant, soft and fluffy cat bed.              We did our stretches, and moved onto running. We used to run the length of the yard, but now we had enough stamina and practice to run along the wall of Konoha, doing three laps each. We took a small break, drinking and eating a small snack, before continuing.                                                                                After stretching a little more to help with aches and pains, we moved onto sparring each other in a three way battle, with Luna fighting with me. We usually have time for two spars, and lately Luna has been fighting the first spar, then working on something else. The first spar is usually where we go all out, and the second focuses on a specific ninja art we want to practice fighting with. For a ninneko, Luna is still small, aging slow. She looks to be at the size of a young house-cat, and with her giant paws, she shows signs of being the size of her father, which was a ninneko that was as big as an Inuzuka dog. While genetics played a part, our bond will allow her to grow up to five times her current size, if she chooses to. She can control the size she wants to be unconsciously, all familiars can. She may be small now, but she is insanely fast, darting under and away from limbs as she nips at different vital areas. She used the environment to her advantage, jumping from rocks and darting through Kaa-san's bushes. She targeted Naruto, trying to bring his stamina down some, and managing to wack him in the face with an Iron-tail. Yep. We went there.                                                                                     Her tail doesn't glow like in the show i remember, but it does hurt like a bitch, the equivalent of being hit with a metal bar.                        Her jaws were also strong enough now that it takes very little chakra to bite through steel. We haven't gotten to Elemental training for her, because we didn't want her to get hurt if we didn't train her correctly. Though, to be honest, we did practice heating up her chakra in preparation for learning fire jutsu. We finished the spar fifteen minutes later, Naruto winning with a seal he had designed that took me and Luna both out. Sasuke had been out just before that, my clones confusing him when i mixed in a silencio to make it harder to tell who was real.                                I also had cast a Protego, it taking the force of a couple shurikens and a kunai before breaking. It had given me an idea a couple months ago, and i used it regularly with my Taijutsu, the shield appearing around my fists and feet. I used it then, and i got him with punch in the face. It was whoever bled or got a hit in first, meaning Sasuke was out first. Naruto then had to activate a seal he had, and Luna and I became tied up with life-like training wire, the seal helping my brother control them like vines. A prank bomb to the face later and i was unconscious, my hair and skin a bright green. With ugly orange spots. Grrr.                                         I hate that he uses pranking things in our spars, but we just all had to agree that it was good practice preventing ourselves from getting hit by them. Ugh. At least he uses the washable stuff for us. Though with the spots...                                       Naruto woke me, an empty potion vial he summoned laying beside me confirmed that the prank was potion induced. "It definitely suits you! You're super cunning like a snake!" Naruto snickered, while Sasuke tried not to tease me, lest he face my feminine wrath. I felt a tick mark forming because Naruto kept laughing, clutching his stomach at the faces i was making. Sasuke letting out a 'pffftt' when one of the blonde's jokes compared me to his gama-chan. Which was his green toad wallet. He then went on to say Gama was better than me, because i was clearly a Slytherin snake. He even said his wallet was cuter! Im cute! I-I'm definitely cuter than a stupid toad, right? I pouted, before a strand of bright green hair fell into my eyes, tickling my nose. I eyed my hair in distaste, it having slipped out of the bun it was in. I put it back up, and slapped Naruto on the back of the head when i passed him for his comment. I sent a stinging hex at bis bum when he turned around to grab his water bottle, it having fallen when i hit him. "AAAIIIIiiiii!!!!! Itai!"   I laughed with Sasuke when he shrieked and fell on his ass, pouting with a fake crying face.                                                                    I tried rubbing some paint off, but whatever he used was stubborn, and i was glad it was a magical substance, only staining skin and hair, or my clothes would be ruined. I can't wait until i get good enough to be able to dodge his seals. As it is though, he made specific seals designed to not be seen by me, using my chakra signature to hide it from me. The little ass.                                                                                   A Jounin sensei was what we needed, and I personally was pumped to learn and train! My fightings skills are focused around Taijutsu right now, with a mix of the Uchiha and Little Leaf Academy style. I wasn't the best at it, the styles not suiting me, and i had to majorly tweak them to suit my flexibility. It worked, but i knew to get better i needed to train in a better style. I was hoping my new sensei would help me develop my own style.                                                                           For Genjutsu, I knew the theory of what i wanted to learn, how to use Genjutsu to affect each of the senses, what part of the brain to target, and even how to weave illusions through touch and sound. The hard part though, was putting what i studied into affect. Which required two more people, one to practice Genjutsu on, and another for instructional advice and to help if something goes wrong. There were stories about different Genin throughout the years that drove themselves or their teammates mad, their illusions not being guided by their chakra correctly. Because of this, the subject and Genjutsu that existed was strictly only taught to those who had the patience and intelligence for it.                                    It was the same but to a less degree for Ninjutsu users, the accidents being just a bit more destructive to the user though, if something goes wrong. It was common to hear of body parts being cutoff, burned, or bludgeoned during Elemental training. Which made sense, because usually Chunins begin learning it and not Genin, the exception being certain clan children.                                                            Another story that was told to caution Academy students, was where a Genin was trying to teach himself an earth technique, and ended up suffocating himself when he couldn't get out of the ground, his chakra not controlled enough, or used to converting into earth-based chakra, to soften the hard ground around him, so he could dig himself up. He had refused to have someone help him, so he died and his body was found by a Chunin investigating his disappearance.                                        I did know the Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu, as did Naruto. We learned it from Sasuke, and it took a couple weeks to stop burning my mouth and throat with the hot smoke i created in my chest, before Sasuke explained we were both doing it wrong. He wasn't experienced enough to teach us properly, and he learned it mostly on his own, being expected to research it on his own and practice it in front of his Tou-san when he was alive, but we did get it down, me using a potion when I accidentally inhaled too much smoke, and Naruto getting healed mostly with episkey.                                                                 To get the Jutsu right, I had to heat up the chakra in the back of my throat, coating the entire area in a tiny thin layer of normal chakra to protect my throat mouth and nose. I then was supposed to blow the hot air out, turning it to fire as it leaves my lips. It took a small chunk of my reserves to get a good flame going, and i knew that if I hadn't been training since i was little and taking my Mana Potions since i was allowed to brew again (5 almost 6 years old), then i would be out of chakra from one decent sized fireball. I also had the suspicion that fire wasn't my chakra's oriented element, but i supposed it didn't really matter. I planned to train in all elements, and my chakra would adapt to each as i did. Naruto learned it faster, getting it a good three days before me, though he had just as much trouble as i did. I got it on my own, using a scroll and Sasuke's remembered directions. That boy sucked at teaching someone, only giving useful advice after we burned ourselves, or inhaled smoke. We swore to each other to train Ninjutsu with someone who could properly help us after that.                         Stretching and giving my body a slight jump, i prepared for our second spar. I checked the time, looking through the patio window at the clock, seeing it was almost seven. We had started our stretching at five thirty-ish, and we should be done fighting in about twenty minutes at the most, which leaves us time to shower, cook breakfast, eat and clean. Then wake Kaa-san and the kids. Then school. "So, last one standing wins right?" I asked, getting in a defensive stance. Naruto answered for me, Sasuke agreeing with a 'Hn'. "Hai!"                                                               Nodding in determination, i shouted 'Three, two, one...Hajime!"                                                           Jumping back, I eyed both boys, sidestepping shuriken thrown at me and twisting to avoid Sasuke's kick. I feinted a punch, and kneed him instead, only he blocked me with his arm guard. I ducked suddenly, when i felt Naruto come up behind me. I grabbed  him and flipped him over my shoulder at Sasuke.                                                       I grinned cheekily at them both, and watched them attack each other, throwing shuriken at their legs every few seconds, snickering when it looked like they were having a dance off.           All morning spars were Taijutsu based, unless stated otherwise, which means I didn't have to worry about being burnt, or seeing more than one of each brother. Even Kawarimi was banned, that way the only way to dodge was to speed up. Our first spar today we went with everything out, using Jutsu and spells. This one was just Taijutsu, and weapons. Luna was currently training her Tracking skills with Mint, Sage helping them by hiding targeted items with different scents around Konoha. Luna would meet me at school, probably with Mint, he had been asking to go with Sasuke for years. He had been once before, but ended up picking a fight with the Inuzuka's puppy in class. Those two despised each other. Which is weird, because Akamaru gets along with Luna just fine.                                        My snickering stopped suddenly an 'uh oh' look taking over my face, as i dodged kunai and shuriken from both boys. We were all almost equal in fighting ability, the boys being a bit stronger physically, though i was faster and more flexible. Naruto had the most physical strength, and Sasuke was actually catching up to me in speed though, so I probably needed to train my speed more.                                                         I twisted away as they double-teamed me, ignoring their mocking smiles (Sasuke's smile looked more like Kaa-san's when she was pissed, which kinda frightened me) and comments. "I resent being compared to a cornered mouse Naruto!  *pant*  But you know what? Ill be a mouse, and when i take you down, you'll have to admit that—" -punch block,block,kick,block- I ducked and weaved between their fists, elbows, knees and feet, jumping further back when i had to, though i took a good hard hit from Naruto, his fist getting me in the ribs. I winced hard, knowing it was bruising already when moving hurt it worse, before continuing, "—that a mouse is better than a toad!" I got a good punch in on Naruto then, hitting him in the sternum. It was enough to make him wheeze and flinch, and he took an accidental hit in the stomach from Sasuke, taking his breath away.                                                         I drew a kunai, pulling him away from Sasuke's still advancing attacks. He looked apologetic at his brother whispering "Gomen," when he passed him. Sasuke forced me to let go of Naruto as i dragged him away, but i slid under Naruto's wheezing form, tripping him and making him fall. I knocked Naruto out, using a pressure point taught in class, taking  a moment to wipe sweat from my face and neck. Our rules state that as soon as an opponent is unconscious, the fight stops, so we can revive them so they can watch, and offer tips if needed. We had stopped fighting so Naruto could be revived, and we both used Accio to summon potions,  Sasuke saying the spell aloud, with me just thinking it. We both set our doses aside, not wanting to cheat by healing ourselves early, and I fed my blonde brother a healing potion, watching frustrated as it failed.                         Sasuke himself gave Naruto a Mana potion and we weren't surprised when it worked. We had found a year or so ago that that was one of the only potions that worked on him, the others being polyjuice, and the animagus potion. We still tried though, and sometimes the potions worked a little, before his body secreted it as sweat. Which burned away.         Frustrated, but accepting, i turned to Sasuke and he muttered "Renervate." Waking up Naruto. Both boys had been practicing on making their spells quieter and cutting down the time it took to cast them. They both already had stopped yelling out Jutsu names when they were fighting seriously, though in school they still said them. We all did, wanting to be underestimated and treated as the other kids.                           "Good job! You're getting better at your accuracy. I didn't even see your hand do the motion either. Im proud of you, Otouto." I told him, giving him a big smile. He gave me a barely noticeable grin, his lips pulling up only slightly.                                                                   Turning to Naruto's waking form, i apologized and cast an Episkey, happy that his wounds healed faster, scratches from earlier disappearing along with a bruise where i punched him. They probably would have healed in an hour, but i felt bad that i hurt him. I wondered once again, why did spells work on him but potions with the same affect don't?                          Rubbing my neck, i stood up and Sasuke and i moved away to finish our spar. "Lets use spells, ok? I want to see how good you're getting. Lets go for knockouts, that way the winner is more obvious. Naruto, i want to see your progress with them also when we meet for training after school." I told them, checking my dwindling weapon supply and drinking some water.                           " Hai, Ne-chan! Ive been practicing a lot, and—oh! We can show Miko-chan and Hashi-chan how much better we're getting with the spells we know, and how we use them in fighting!Sasuke, it'll be me against you, i want to know who's better! The loser buys lunch and has to do evening shift at the shop tomorrow!" Naruto said, bouncing in his spot.                                       I laughed, as Sasuke smirked. Naruto should know by now that being around all those ingredients and potions was paradise for the dark haired boy. Working the shop was boring for the blonde, he would rather be running around and using up some energy.                           "Alright, be prepared to lose tonight, Otouto." Sasuke said making a 'come at me' gesture to me, and i darted forward, engaging him in Taijutsu.                                                                         A sneaky Rictusempra left my hand as i grazed his arm and he let out a shrill laugh, stumbling. But he still dodged my hits, even while almost choking back laughter.                                                 "F- ha-fi-Finite!" He yelled out, his face red. His eyes narrowed and he jumped away from me, taking a hit to his side, and avoiding my leg trying to trip him. I smiled, " you ok, Otouto? Need some water to cool down?"                                        I completely soaked him with an Aguamenti, chaining it with a wind charm, Venti-Caeli, which was a spell that made it hit harder, using a hard gust of air. It did no bludgeoning damage, like water jutsu, just getting him wet.                          I threw a few shuriken before throwing out more spells, tripping jinxes and more tickling charms coming from a wide area around my body. We had all learned to do this, making our attacks more unpredictable.                                      I twisted my tickling charms with cheering charms, doubling the effects, and i laughed as one hit Naruto, who was cheering us on the sidelines. It took him a minute but he cast a finite, face red and tears falling from uncontrollable laughter.                                       Sasuke himself snorted, which made me laugh harder. I just couldn't stop laughing, and i realized Sasuke had hit me when i was looking away.                                                                                I cast Finite, dodging weapons as i did so. I had a great idea and i grabbed a few shuriken, casting 'Lumos', making it cover my entire hand. I threw the ball of light, and Sasuke, knowing what spell it was didn't dodge it. Taking two shuriken to the arm. He pulled them out, using a shield charm to stop my advancing attacks.                                                       I smirked at him, sending Levicorpus and another Rictusempra at him when a kunai broke his shield. They both missed, and i decided i was gonna have to engage once again in Taijutsu. The problem with that was he was better at it than me, getting more hits in. I had a bruise on my arm, chest, and side already, and i only hit him twice. I used a quick episkey on myself, but the spell failed when I couldn't concentrate on the areas i wanted to heal, a kunai getting too close to my face for comfort, a fresh cut opening on my cheek. "Hey! Damnit!" I cursed, dodging more as he put me on the run. He yelled at me,  throwing more weapons, some laced with the wind charm, speeding them up, and some with Confringo, which heated the metal up and even briefly lit them on fire. " You should be paying attention Ne-chan, i plan to win this!"                      I dodged a Levicorpus from him, followed by a chain of multiple Petrificus Totalis spells, his chakra forming the beams of white in random spots around him, so I didn't know where he was going to aim.                                  I couldn't use my eyes, because then i would lose by default.      But, i could do this... i used a Vibratio on him, his vision doubling from vibrations to his eardrums. I cast an aguamenti at his legs and the ground, before freezing it with Glaceus. I ignored the my bruised and protesting body, wincing when the bruise from Naruto earlier briefly caused me to falter, and I ran behind him, putting a Kunai to his neck, only to falter again, when  he turned the ground behind him turned to quicksand. Something felt off and i slowly realized that he had used a weakened confoundment charm on me. no wonder I couldn't think of something better. Ugh. I broke the weak enchantment a moment later. Sasuke shivered trying to escape, before grunting. "Ugh, thats cold. You should have known it wouldn't hold me though, you did try something similar before." He twisted, his left hand using Incendio on the ice, and he made me drop the kunai from my hand with a jab at a pressure point on my wrist.                                                                                I snorted. " You know damn well that water and electricity would have fried you. I thought ice was a better option. I don't want to have to brew a hair regrowth potion just so you don't cry again.Sadly I could think of nothing else because of your stupid confusion charm. My brain still feels a bit slow. Baka." I stuck my tongue out at him, smiling cheekily as his eyebrow twitched. He feinted an uppercut, and i tried to dodge his actual attack, which was a throat jab, only to freeze as a Stupefy hit me in the face. The little ass tricked me! Haha he's good. I think that last spell was silent too!                                     "Rennervate. So, i win Ne-chan. That means i get to chose what we have for breakfast, and i want Shakshouka again. For the third day in a row. With extra tomato and pepper." Sasuke smirked at me and i stuck my tongue out at him, this time blowing a raspberry. The brat always chooses food with tomatoes in it. It was a wonder how his teeth haven't been eroded by acid yet. He even snacks on them sometimes! Though it is a better option than sweets. And ramen.                      Sasuke helped me up and i used an accio on our weapons tying the spell to a spot about a foot from me, so I wouldn't accidentally impale myself. Sasuke and Naruto did the same, only recalling their weapons from my large pile.                                After we cleaned them of dirt and blood using scourgify, we picked up our trash and headed in to take our showers, Sasuke and I healing ourselves while Naruto gave his opinion on the fight. We gave a review of each other's skills, making quick plans on how we could do better. Every afternoon training session we practice our katas, jutsu, and spells over and over. We come up with new ideas and work on incorporating them into a fight, sometimes gathering study material to help.                      A spell used to conjure training dummies that i learned about before, no longer works here, so we practiced at Training Field Seventeen, which had giant rocks and boulders that we pretended were enemies. I was trying to raise earth golems, but i figured i had to give it up for now, the best i could do was a twitching lump of rock that refused to take the shape i want, or do as i command it.                                         Naruto actually made a lot of progress on the one he chose, able to summon an air golem, which he named Aris. He modeled her after his mother, and her form was a miniature, colorless version of the woman, outlined in pale blue chakra. It wasn't noticeable that it was Aunty Kushina because the form was faint, and flickered invisibly around others. He sometimes used her in his fights, having her trip us, or blow our weapons off course. She can do a lot of damage if he wanted her to, able to tear apart trees with her cutting winds. She also was able to send him messages, though she cannot speak herself. She can send the vibrations of our voices, like a recording, back to him, answering questions he asks.Among other things.                  Aris takes a lot of time and concentration for him to form, not to mention the chakra cost, but once summoned follows his every mental and physical command. He summons her once or twice a week, mostly having her around when he walks the streets of Konoha. I had a feeling he was recording the voices of the rude civilians, those that called him a demon and sometimes threw trash or spit at him. Aris was the perfect defense for them, throwing the trash off course, and causing the spit to land back on its owner's face. She also would help him run, the chakra he used on her touching with his body, and enhancing the speed he ran at.                          For Naruto it was nothing to put a large chunk of chakra into her summoning spell, him having more trouble with concentrating and chakra control, but for me and Sasuke? I could only summon my rocky lump twice, and it sent me into unconsciousness immediately after. Sasuke was the same, but his second spell would fizzle out to nothing before he could finish it. He was trying to learn the earth golem spell as well, but he had a bit more bad luck than me. He couldn't get the rock he summoned to twitch and its shape looked way worse than mine. He chose it, because he thought it had potential to help Kaa-san in her garden, and he wanted to be able to use it to harvest poisonous or dangerous plants if we found any during missions. He had a lightning golem down, forming it into the shape of a phoenix, which he named Barak, which means lightning. (Au:No not every name is gonna be asian or english inspired, their world is a mix of different cultures, Barak is Hebrew.) Barak is incredibly fast, and is able to go invisible whenever Sasuke orders him to. He also does a lot of damage and can set things on fire or explode things with a touch. The bird is able to teleport itself and Sasuke, like an actual phoenix, though it uses a flash of lightning instead of fire. If the boys are unable to Apparate, which by the time they are able they would probably be in their thirties, then this could be a good way for Sasuke to travel. The block on the boys abilities to cast spells was worse than mine, and its only a guess, but the practice of using our chakra in a magical way was slowly (very, very slowly) breaking down that block, or stretching it away, kind of like a muscle. Basically we practice every chance we get that won't get us questioned by other people, whether they are classmates, or shinobi. I was glad civilians knew almost nothing about how we use our chakra.                                              I had a little more luck with a water golem, and i was able to shape her form after my daughter Rose, in my last life. I called her Rosebud, which is what my little girl's nickname had been.                                                                                  As with every golem element type, water golems had two more forms, an invisible heated gaseous form, and an iced form. I could have her 'eat' poison, and she could poison enemies by them breathing her gaseous form, or getting cut by her ice form. She could even drown someone using her base body.                                                      Sasuke had chosen to work on potions when i started creating her and practicing with her forms. Naruto had been on a shift, and Kaa-san and the twins were shopping and going to the public bath-house. I honestly did plan to teach my brothers the water golem, but right now i wanted to keep her a secret. We were ninja after all, and she could be a good surprise one day. There were a few other spells i was planning to keep to myself. I had discovered Imperio was usable, to a degree, and i could implant suggestions onto someone, though they could dismiss them if they didn't like the idea. It does give me full control over animals, which was useful, though it drained me. To counteract that, i chained Imperio with Potentia. Which literally powers up a spell, though it it takes a lot of focus and control to cast. My chakra control was great, but not perfect, there was only so much leaf sticking and Senbon spinning exercises one could do before they run out room to stick things (leaves, rocks, paper, and even sand now.) and i already mastered ten needles, one for each finger. I even more recently started practicing chakra strings, which i read about in the library. I visited the hospital, and Dr. Hideyo, who was officially my family's assigned doctor, gave me tips on how to create the strings. They were easy to create, but hard to actually control their movement and how thick they were.                                                                                  I also learned about the tree-climbing and water-walking exercises, but when I attempted to find more information on how to do them, the Chunin guarding the Genin section took the scroll from me. Apparently someone had shelved it in the wrong place, too lazy or in a hurry to put it away. He wouldn't budge on giving me tips either, saying my sensei will teach it to me if I graduate. I was thinking about using some Invisifix to study some Genin texts and scrolls, but decided that i would wait, after all i would be a Genin soon, and I didn't want to risk my graduation. A lot of what i was working on was no where near ready for battle, and was not appropriate for sparring. I was trying to recreate Pokemon moves using chakra, like Psychic, fire and ice punch and so on. I was also trying to become a bender, but it currently wasn't possible. My spells didn't actually convert into say ice chakra for spells like Glacius. Instead it used the intent of my own chakra and mixed with nature chakra around me, using a part of what i had naturally taken in to make ice from nature. I had noticed that as the boys practiced their spells, they both seemed to very slowly create a tiny core of nature chakra that mixed with their own natural chakra. It expanded a tiny unnoticeable bit after each day of spell-casting, and after a month when we first started, their new core was about the size of quarter. Now after almost three years? Sasuke's was almost the size of his natural core in his stomach, and the mixed chakra was running through a network alongside his normal chakra network, intertwining like vines. His entire core was very slowly mixing, and in a few years both networks would combine like mine have, and he will only have one giant core. Naruto's collection of nature chakra was nowhere near the size of his enormous ocean of chakra, but was a good size, being about two-thirds of my completely mixed chakra network and core. His core would eventually fully mix in with his chakra, and they would continue to separate through their own networks without issue. The problem was that something was slowing down the mixing of his chakra with the nature chakra. No matter how many time he sneakily brought it up to Hokage Jiji though, he was told he had to wait for Genin status. The block we had been trying to surpass or break was actually the slow growth of their/our magical core, mine already being there since birth, but slowly getting bigger overall as well. It definitely explained why i could cast so well compared to them, though we all had problems with our spells feeling sluggish, and not wanting to work. We ate breakfast quickly, with Naruto cooking this time, while i made tea. Sasuke woke the twins and Kaa-san, guiding the young ones through some easy stretches. As Kaa-san got ready for work, the twins were fed and the kitchen was cleaned up. We left Kaa-san with a wave as we walked to school. I waved at our neighbors, and a few people going about their morning business, Sasuke nodding at them while Naruto made faces at him behind his back. Same as every morning really. Oyaji Genzu, the owner of the bakery down our street, and the grandfather of Storm's owner, gifted us with some steamed pork buns that his wife made for us. She usually gives us something every other day or so, because her granddaughter is Miko and Hashiku's playmate. The family of three (Oyaji Genzu, Oba-chan Suiko and baby Shima) were civilian refugees from Mist country, escaping when the civil war was still happening. It wasn't common knowledge, but the war had ended about two weeks ago, and they have lived here since it started, which was about three years ago. We only knew about it because Hokage-Jiji had to meet with a representative from Kiri, who was sent with the good news of a new Kage, one Terumi Mei. The family of three (now four with Storm) are related to the Hozuki family, and to their knowledge were the only survivors of their small clan. They wanted nothing to do with the Shinobi life anymore, though the decision for Shima-chan joining the academy was left up to her. Oyaji Genzu instead was a phenomenal baker, and his deserts were favored even by Lady Shijima, the Fire Daimyo's wife. His wife made delicious meals to go with the delicious desserts, and their bakery is quite popular in Konoha. The twins will probably be spending time at the bakery today, playing with the adorably shy bluenette. Her eyes are a lovely purple shade, and her hair such a pretty blue, almost white color. She did have sharp teeth, which fascinated the twins, who had never seen teeth like hers and her Grandmothers before. Seeing the academy just around the corner, i stopped my brother's by tugging on their shirts. "So," i began, giving them a mischievous smile. " Wanna race? Losers have to buy the winner their favorite snack?" I looked at them both, seeing Sasuke think for a second before agreeing with a 'Hn.' "You bet Ne-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, getting into his idiot persona. "You two losers have to buy me ramen, dattebayo!" He pushed us back slightly, and we took off after him. Sasuke overtook him first, being closer, but i just laughed inwardly, and let them get ahead. Hiding behind a trashcan, i smirked before pulling my magic around me and twisting to the right. I disappeared with a crack!, appearing in the janitors closet across our classroom. I did a quick check for all of my body parts, to make sure i didn't splinch myself. Giggling happily i whisper-shouted "Yes!!!" I did a little dance, fist pumping the air. I quickly left the closet, entering Iruka-sensei's classroom and taking my seat beside Mari-chan and Shikamaru. Takahashi Mari was the daughter of the local blacksmith, which is where we all buy our weapons from. She was a good friend of mine, along with her older brother Haoyi and cousin Tenten, both who had graduated a year before us, though Haoyi was a Chunin now. Their whole family were amazing at using different weaponry, Haoyi being a prodigy with maces and clubbed weapons and Mari herself was a prodigy with daggers and the bow. Tenten though was a prodigy with all weapons, and her uncle-Mari's Tou-san- said she had the family's Godly Blessing, which showed up in a child once every hundred years. I greeted Mari and ignored Shikamaru's sleeping form, taking out a notebook to check off the newly completed goal on a list i had made. I had been working on Apparating and Disapparating for the last year, finally having just enough control to get it down. I wouldn't be bringing anyone along with me for a while, and it would be impossible right now to use in fights, but when traveling by myself? Hell yeah. I had first disapparated a few days ago, reappearing from my bedroom into the backyard. I had scared the hell out of Sage, and she made me catch her a fish to make it up to her. I actually just accioed a fish, focusing on only one and gave it to her, though i did know how to create and use a fishing pole. We also learned how to catch them with kunai, spears, and our bare hands in our camping classes. Anyway, i had practiced, and so far i can only Apparate twice, and it takes a lot out of me. I really wished sometimes that the use of mana potions worked on gaining nature chakra too, or i would never have to worry about using too much magic. Sadly it only replenishes your own natural stores, and though it gives a small boost, it was inconsequential. You had to actually eat and sleep or meditate to be able to do spells.                                                                         "I was here first!" "No, you idiot, i was!" I turned my head to the doorway, snickering as my brothers fought to get through. The commotion drew onlookers and many fangirls twittered at the sight. Apparently not even Sasuke could stop them from their obsession, and over the years our small group of friends completely ignored the stupid twits, refusing to speak or share class materials with them. Sparring time during the physical classes was our favorite, we all completely annihilated the scum, as a result many fangirls dropped out of our class, switching to another in shame or paying the very large fine for wasting the Academy's money and resources on their education. Every child and their guardian were required to sign a contract upon enrollment, in return for free education and training, the student had to complete one full year as a Genin, unless of course they were injured beyond repair, or treason. The only way to get out of it as an academy student was if your guardian payed the very large fine. Because of this many of those that lost the desire to be a ninja while still an academy student, but couldn't afford the fine were usually put in different classes, and upon graduation were entered into the Shinobi Corps. Most academy kids went there anyway, and eventually after training to Chunin (they all undergo strict training being focused on the basics, and the majority of their time was focused on missions -if they were lucky- and paperwork, (coding, profiling, filing documents and such.) Many were handpicked to become ANBU recruits, many as security guards. They were the bulk of Konoha's forces, and consisted of mainly civilian born, orphans and clan kids that didn't want to stick out too much.                                                               Clan heirs and kids who showed potential were pushed together into one class in their second year, and after graduating become the 'face' of Konoha. We were the ones that would draw the bulk of Konoha's most profitable missions, using our status as clan heir, prodigy, fighting skill and so on to drag in more income. It was for this reason that more colorful clothing was encouraged and mid-mission training was allowed, to make us memorable, and for our clients to become awed by our prowess as we trained. It was recommended that if a client wasn't there for a fight that we were to wear a darker outfit that would hide us from an enemy better, the brighter clothes would help us kids blend in with civilians, and become underestimated. Of course we learned this in class, after a student complained about their sibling learning something different, in which they were forced to wear a Konoha Genin issued uniform instead of choosing their getup. "—ellooooo? Anyone in there?" Blushing, i snapped out of my thoughts, pushing my friend's hand away from my face. "Sorry Mari-chan." I snickered again at my brothers. "Sasuke, Naruto! If you would have looked, Aya got here first....again. Geez boys are sooo lame." Mari huffed, leaning against her desk and reaching into her pouch for some strawberry pocky. That girl was addicted to everything strawberry flavored, getting so excited one time that she even kissed a boy on his cheek, which was just weird to see, when he gave her candy in class. It was well known by now that Mari despised boys, but not known was why. As her closest friend, she had explained it to me before. Her hatred stemmed mainly from a trauma that happened to her from when she was in Stone country three years ago. Their carriage had been jacked and she and her guard had been left on the side of the road in the aftermath. Her aunt and uncle had been taken with the bandits, to be put to work as slaves, but her 'guard' showed his hand when it came to her. He paid the bandits, and she was forced to watch as they left with the only carriage. The slimy git had pretended to care for her, and after almost ten months of working for her family offered to take her to her Grandparents with her aunt and uncle. He turned out to be a human trafficker, and as he 'tested the goods' Mari killed him with a sharp rock lying near her, bashing his head in. She was left on her own until she could find her aunt and uncle again giving up a few weeks later because she needed help. She luckily made it to a village and mailed her parents to come get her. They requested a mission to find their missing family, and it was discovered that a ninja had killed the bandits, and Tenten's parents, -Mari's aunt and uncle,-were killed in an explosion at the mine they were forced to work in. So she hated men, particularly bald men, and had a general dislike for all males. . Smirking at my brothers i flicked them a thumbs up and stuck my tongue out at their noises of disbelief. Success! They drug themselves to their seats, mumbling to themselves at my awesomeness, ("You're not awesome Nee-chan, you're annoying!" Sasuke, don't be jealous.) "—they bowed to me in subservience, exclaiming their love for the amazing, the incredible, the most beautiful-" ("Nee-chan, Stop narrating!" I poked my blonde brother on the nose.)"-most powerful and intelligent, and most importantly, the sexiest—!" "IRUKA SENSEI!" Awwww, seriously?! After that build up it was stolen by my teacher? I pouted and sank into my seat, ignoring my brothers and friends laughs. I sat through Iruka's 'Congratulations now i don't have to deal with you brats-goodbye and farewell' speech. I was playing with my blonde Otouto's hair, trying to braid it in my boredom. I was still paying attention to the teams being called out though, and i fist-bumped Mari as she left her seat to join her new teammates, giving each other the 'good luck' look. "Team Seven, under Hatake Kakashi: Haruno Sakura, Senju Aya, Uzumaki Naruto, and Uchiha Sasuke! —————————————————————-cutting off here....part two will be up soon :)

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