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'W4171NG F0R (N4M3) 1F 533N R3P0R7 70 C4P70R TH4KN Y0U'

You smiled and poked his arm lightly. "Holy thhit! Who are you and did you find (name)?!" You nodded and wondered in your head how he knew you would be here, you only asked him to go there you didn't say you were gonna be there.  "Yup, who else would I be?" MC suddenly grabbed you in a hug, yelling. "OH MY GOG OH MY GOG ITTH YOU ITTH YOU!" You hugged him back happily, before pulling him out of the group of bystanders. "Hey what are you doing-" He asked as you kept walking, bag in one hand and MC's hand in your other one. Finally he got it and started pulling you along, which made you giggle softly. Once you were both out he grabbed his skateboard which he had hidden and throw it to the ground, jumping on and pulling up behind himself, making you wrap your arms around his waist quickly, not seeing the grin on his face as he started skating to his own place. The moment you two got there he stopped as he saw another cosplayer, who happen to be cosplaying as Latula Pyrope, and she looked pretty cool. The second she saw you she started to glare at you, you have no idea what you did but your not sure if this will be a good thing. Letting go of the boy you fell backwards not thinking, causing her to laugh and MC to start yelling at her. "Damn tulip don't laugh! I thought we talked about thith already!" The Latula cosplayer literally hissed, like cat hiss making you scramble back away from the two. "Shut up low blood, no one cares what you have to say" MC looked down and quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you up and inside his house before that girl could say anything  else. You opened your mouth to say something but before you could MC intruded you. "Look (name) I need you to thtay far away from her, Kay? Th-thhe thaid thhe cared...tho thtay away from her.." He lisped, you nodded and changed the subject. "So why are you still in cosplay? I mean its cute and all but-" "this isn't cosplay" MC intruped you again, grining like a madman, fangs showing. Your mind went blank before you finally got it. "Oh nononono trolls ain't real! MC don't do this crap to me.." You glared at the boy as a sudden idea decided to make its self known. "What do you think MC fucking thhandth for?"  He asked as you slowly walked closer to him and making a grab for his horns.

Just when you were about to grab his horns he moved out the way, giving you a 'seriously' look. "(Name) I know what you were about to do tho no," you pouted lightly. "Well damn." MC rolled his eyes as if he were bored of you already, ha you wouldn't be surprised. Your mind began to wonder back to the latula cosplayer, was she an actress too? Was that so kinda play they did to welcome you? You pondered over it until you heard a soft sniffling noise, causing your mind to come back to earth. Blinking a few times you noticed MC was standing by the window closed to the door, quietly making your way over to him you placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him. He jumped suddenly, spinning around to face you. "Fuck! Don't do that to me, (name)!!" You stepped back at the angry tone, his expression turned into one of guilt, then to a happy one before going back to guilt within a blink of an eye. "Whoops, sorry MC," you rubbed the back of your head. He laughed and smiled widely. "I'm thorry too! Do you wanna play video gameth?!" You gave him a confused look as he started to literally drag you away to another room.

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