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"Y/N?!" A harsh whisper called from beside the unconscious girl.

"Y/N wake up." The voice whispered sounding more desperate as they shook the girl's body with panic.

"Claire..." Another voice interjected from behind her.
"Just stop okay, we have to keep our heads." A third voice advised.
"Keep our heads?!" Claire said, scoffing with a disbelief. "We have been kidnapped, Casey and your friend has been unconscious for God knows how long and she is the only one that could possibly know what happened to my dad." Claire retorted with annoyance. 

She then turned back to her. "Y/N come on, wake up." Claire pleaded once again, moving the girl's body even more so than last time.

Suddenly, footsteps had begun to approach the room in which they were being held. "Shit." The three girls each moved from the body of the H/C haired girl, who was laying on her back, her S/C skin discoloured, as though she were a corpse.

The door opened slowly to reveal a short bald man, whose face bore glasses and an intense frown. He had with him a chair which he casually placed in front of the girls. 
All in silence, he wiped the chair before he sat down, his eyes looking at each girl. "Since your friend still hasn't woken up yet, my choices have been limited to the three of you." He spoke with a deep accent sounding as though he originated from Boston. 

His eyes then looked from Casey to Claire before finally landing on Marcia. 
"I choose you first." He declared as he proceeded to stand up and put his chair away. Marcia looked at the others panic-stricken. "No." She murmured quietly shaking her head.
Claire hugged her as the male proceeded to approach them, his arm ready to grasp Marcia's.
"This will only take a minute." He reassured as he reached for her arm.
Marcia frantically moved from him but he wrapped grabbed her roughly.

She broke free for a moment and ran to Casey. "Pee on yourself." Was all she had said to Marcia, who let out many panicked sobs. 

The man then proceeded to lift Marcia effortlessly, his arms wrapped around Marcia's waist. As soon as he managed to get her out of the room he slammed the door shut. Claire ran to the door and began to pound on it with her all might. Casey looked away from the door, feeling sick to her stomach. Her imagination ran wild with the thoughts of what that man could be doing to Marcia.

It was only moments later that he emerged within the room again, restraining Marcia, they both fell to the floor.
He stood up grunting and groaning in disgust and distress before he walked over to the door, retching. 
He closed the door yelling enraged, leaving the girls alone once again. 

Marcia began to stand. "He, uh- He wanted me to dance for him." She spoke while sniffling and pulling her urine covered skirt down. 

Claire took Marcia into the bathroom leaving Casey alone with Y/N who was still unconscious.

Silently Casey sat, tears running down her cheeks.A groan came from beside her, which resulted in her looking at Y/N. 
Y/N had begun to awaken, and with a hand raised to her head, she groaned before opening her eyes. 

Once she saw that the ceiling was not the one in her bedroom, she sat up rapidly and looked around her. "Casey?" She questioned in confusion as she looked at the darked haired girl who appeared to look traumatised. She then looked over to where she heard footsteps. They were coming from the door beside her. It was Claire and Marcia. 

A numbing sensation ensued her senses and all of a sudden she felt lightheaded. "Where are we?" She asked with dread. 
Before Casey even had a chance to think of an answer Claire interrupted. "We don't know, some sicko's taken us. D-Do you know what happened to my dad? I mean he got to you last." She asked trying to contain her tears. 
At her words Y/N felt dread. She had never experienced something so monumental or endangering in her life.
She was a good kid, as far as she knew. She didn't bully anyone, had decent grades, a few friends, she didn't steal- she knew she wasn't a saint but she would never have thought that this could happen to someone like her- someone so average and compliant with society's standards.

"I- I don't know. I don't remember anything." Y/N admitted with tears running down her face. Would she ever see any of her family again? Did they know she had been kidnapped? How long had it been?
Not seen many of these, and the ones I have seen usually try to change Kevin's personalities or make Y/N a tough guy or unrealistically sweet.
Let's face it, if this was a real scenario you'd be shitting yourself, you wouldn't be hitting on him, no matter how hot he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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