"Dear Charlie" part 2

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(Picture of hades)

It was 7 in the morning when i woke up next to a stranger I guess I got black out drunk because i don't remember a damn thing from last night.... I decided to get up before he did,but when i was putting on my shirt I heard the door to his apartment open and a very high pitched voice yell out

"Honey I'm back from the trip" oh i was in deep shit.... again

"Fuck! You need to leave slut" I heard a sleepy deep voice whisper

"And how will that happen ass hole!?" I whisper yelled "she's blocking my way out" the man looked at the window and then back to me

"There is a fire escape out that window now hurry kid..." I sighed as i crawled out the window and down the fire escape now fully awake I rememberd I live 7 miles from here...shit!

"Hey Brylin is Nora up??" I called my brother

"Yeah why...another one night stand??" Basterd knows me to well

"Maybe... I need a ride" my brother sighed .... He's never been proud of me and I don't think he ever will be

"She's on her way.. where are you?" I gave him the addres

".... happy birthday Charlie get home safe" I sighed after my brother hung up today was my 21st birthday and it was already "amazing".... thankfully 20 min later Nora showed up

"Good morning birthday boy" Nora was always so happy and i don't know why

"Morning" I mumbled under my breath

"Not a good morning?" I shook my head that was pounding and Nora reached over to rub my head "hate to give you this bub ....... it's from liam" I growled

"What the fuck does he want"

"Well your gonna have to read it" she handed me a envelope with my name on it and a package. I Huffed as i opend the letter

Dear Charlie,
Long time no talk I heard you are famous now, a striper right?....anyways I hope this reaches you on your birthday ....in the package it's a picture of me and you our Jr year before our friendship went to shit, a sketch I did of you in art class.....And my senior class football ring on a chain ...the ring I promised you....my fiance never new about it but i want you to have it still ....charlie there is so much i can't say in this letter but one thing i can say ......come home to me Charlie....
Love- Liam Alba (your football star)

I looked at Nora with tears in my eyes as i opend the box to find the ring that was promised to me 5 years ago by my football star I secretly fell in love with

"Shut the fuck up it was you he fell in love with you" she was giggling so hard

"What do you mean??" I asked flusterd thankful we were almost to my house

"I always thought he left me for that slut jenny but it was you all a long!! Ok I don't hate him anymore"

"You knew!?" Nora giggled

"Hunny half the fucking football team knew he was gonna propose to you our senior year.....but his dad found out and forced jenny on him" i couldn't stop blushing as i listend to Nora

"H.. he was?"

"Baby boy yes he was!! But last i heard he was getting married to this girl named Chleo Grayson-asher over in our home town here in two weeks"i frowned as i looked at the letter

"Then what's the point of going back"

"Maybe he wants to reconnect before the wedding" Nora winked at me

"Wouldn't that be cheating?" I asked as i got out of the car and looked through the window

"Hunny didn't you just sleep with a guy who had a wife" Nora laughed and i flipped her off as i walked in to my house and before she left I yelled out

"Tell my nephew happy birthday and uncle loves him!!!!"

"I will sweet pea" that was the only good thing about today I got to share it with my sweet little boy Luka Turnbull Turner.

After I got into my house I was met with my wolf dog Hades you see about two years ago Brylin and Nora bought two wolf dogs one for me and one for Luka ....I let Luka pick the names for them His wolf dog is named Persephone and he named Hades ..well Hades oddly enough it fit them perfectly.

"What do you got there Hades??" I asked my dog as i grabbed the letter from his mouth

"Another letter *sigh* this one better be good" I opend the letter and read what it said

I know you got my last letter but i wanted to suprise you... come outside but close your eyes and let Hades guide you

I set the letter down and looked at my dog and squinted

"I'm trusting you with my toes damn it" I grabbed onto Hades' harnes and closed my eyes... thankfullyfrom the front door the the porch in the back wasn't to far and Hades didn't let me stub my toes ....but the suprise I got when i opend my eyes had me crying

Dear Charlie (book one redone completely)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat