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*Hello, I hope you all enjoy reading this story. I am working really really hard on it and I think it is going to be a big hit! =) If you do enjoy it, please don't forget to LIKE, fav, fan, and COMMENT! I have made a lot of the division name up myself, so before you start reading, here is the pronunciation of some of the more difficult words:*

*Division#4) Canamad - CANA-MAD*

*(Divison#3) Fanamack - FANA-MACK*

*(Divison#2) Ranamode - RANA-MODE*

*(Divison#1) Anamoda - ANA-MODE-A*

   13 year old, Victoria Keegan skipped quickly down the front steps of her middle school. She took in the warm scents and sounds of spring as she made her way home from school. She turned the corner and headed down the familiar street, upon which she walked every day, to and from school.

   Victoria lived in the wealthier part of Canamad, also known as Division 4. She lived with her mother, Molly, her father, Jacob, and her brother, Troy. She had a cat named Whiskers and a fish named Bubbles. She was the perfect daughter and sister. Except, she had a secret. She didn't like living in Canamad. In fact, she hated it. She hated the plain, identical houses that lined perfectly along the streets. She hated the dull coloured clothing everyone had to wear. She hated not being able to cut her freakishly long brown hair that was always in her way. But most of all, she hated the other divisions for taking advantage of Canamad.

   The people of Canamad, the division of agriculture and home economics, produced all the food for the four divisions. They also supplied clothing and maids to the other divisions. Yet the people of Canamad weren't allowed to own cars, bicycles, most pets, or anything that is considered a luxury. It's simply forbidden. The only mode of transportation is a city truck that is used to transport crops and clothing to other divisions. 

   The people of Fanamack, the division of knowledge, produces books, teachers, and doctors to the other divisions. They have invented ways to power their cars using recycled garbage and other waste products. But they refuse to share their strategies or knowledge in that subject.

   The people of Ranamode, the division of computers and technology, produce computer security systems and other technology of that nature. They are not prohibited to own animals of any kind, so they have developed robotic animals.

   The people of Anamoda, the division of fighting, spies, and weaponry, produce security guards, weapons, and under cover spies. Not much is known about this faction because their entire city in located in a high security mountain.    

   What Victoria dreamed for, what she longed for, was an escape from the boring world around her. A chance to express the way she truly felt inside. But that couldn't happen until she turned 18. Every year there was a ceremony in each division where all four division leaders gather with their second in commands, and decide what teens they want from each division. Every single person from the division is required to attend. If anyone is caught in the streets during the time of the ceremony the penalty is death.

   One day, Victoria was walking her usual route from school. Suddenly she spotted a cat sitting at the end of a pointless driveway. She didn't know who the house belonged to, but she recognized the cat instantly. The second the cat saw her he ran up and rubbed his face against her leg. The cat, who's name was Buttons according to his collar, then ran up to the door. Indicating that he wanted inside.

   Victoria walked slowly up to the painted white door and knocked on it quietly. The yellow curtains in the window shook, then the door inched open, revealing a hansom face. His dark brown hair was hanging over his creamy brown eyes. She recognized him as a boy from her school. However, she didn't know his name because he was in a higher grade then she. Perhaps two or three years older. 

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