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All characters belong to disney, I do not own any of the rights, this is fanfiction.

After everyone left East High, they all went to Ashyln's house for another party. It appeared all of the cast was there except for Carlos, which had to leave to go get "High School Musical: The Choosicle" - Ricky walked up to Nini, who seemed to be in a deep daze, she also hadn't really interacted with any of her friends, which was unusual for her, instead she just sat at the dining room table, in a chair facing the wall. Ricky put a hand on the back of the chair. "Hey, Nini you alright?" He asked. Nini visibly jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around. "Oh- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." He apologized, pulling out the chair next to her and sitting in it to face her. "Oh, no, it's fine." She replied, staring down at her shoes, she didn't answer his question, she seemed to be kind of in her own world. Before Ricky could question her again Carlos came through the door. "WHO'S READY FOR HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: THE CHOOSICLE V2?" Carlos shouted, carrying the large box over to the living room. Nini seemed to not really notice this and stayed in her daze. "Nini?" Ricky asked. Nini looked up at him. "Mhm?" She replied. "You never answered my question." He said with a slight nervous laugh. Nini shook her head. "Sorry, what was the question?" She asked, smiling. Ricky found this a little concerning. "I um- I asked if your alright." He answered shyly. "Yeah no- I'm fine, just... just thinking." She said. He gave her a strange look "I didn't do something wrong, did I-?" He asked, thinking back trying to figure out why she would say that. "Of course not." She looked over to see Carlos unpacking the game, and everyone was already over there. "C'mon, everyone's already picking their teams" She said with a smile, grabbing his hand, she stood and pulled him up as they both walked over there. They sat down around the board along with everyone else.

●Nini's POV:●
I didn't think about what came after if I actually got into that performing arts school, I thought I wanted to go... but now I'm really having second thoughts, especially after the fact that me and Ricky got back together, I've missed him so much, I can't just finally get him back after all this time and then leave him for a school that I honestly don't even know alot about... I mean I know that it's a performing arts school, but surely theres something like that within a close radius of Salt Lake. All I know is that I'm happy here, with my friends, at East High, with Ricky. I don't want to leave that all behind, but at the same time what if this is my only chance... I might be throwing away my only opportunity at my future.

Ricky's POV:●
Nini's definitely hiding something, but what? Everything seemed great, then before we left for Ashlyn's everything seemed to change. I can't tell if it's something I did or what. All I know is I just have to let her work things out. I trust her and I'm sure if anything was to wrong she would let me know.

Everyone hung out and talked once the board game was finished. At that point, the only ones left were Gina, Ricky, Nini, Ashyln, and Carlos. Gina ran up to Ashyln excited. "My Mom said yes!" She called out happily. "Seriously?? No way!" Ashyln replied. Soon everyone was gathering around them. "What's going on?" Nini asked, confused. "My mom agreed to let me stay here now through senior year!" Gina answered. "Oh that's--" Nini tried to say, but was cut off by Ricky running and hugging Gina "Yes! I'm so glad your staying." Ricky said, and after a few moments let her go from the hug. "...great..." Nini said quietly, feeling a little bit of jealousy but she tried to hide it as best as she could. After a few minutes of everyone congratulating her, Nini spoke out "Y'know, I should really get going... its already ten and I have a lot of homework to catch up on." She said, a little untruthfully. "I thought we could try to redo that sleepover, since last time didn't really- work out..." Ashyln said, trying not to bring out bad memories from what happened last time. After a little convincing Nini agreed to stay since she felt bad about last time, she
felt like it was partially her fault.
"Oh shoot, I just realised my dad wanted me to be home by ten thirty... I gotta go!" Ricky said, running and grabbing his back pack off of one of the dining room chairs, slinging it across his back. "I'll pick you up before school tomorrow?" Ricky asked. Nini nodded for confirmation. He pulled her into a tight hug before making his way to the door.

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