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"Anyways, I uh, I gotta get going, see you at rehearsals tomorrow?" Ricky asked Gina, who was still looking at her phone. "Yeah." Gina responded.

The next day, Ricky did his normal skateboard routine to school, he was walking in the hallway, on the way to his first class when he felt a hard tug on his backpack, "Hey, troyboy?"
Ricky heard the voice say mockingly, he turned around to see who was there, and got pushed to the ground. Before he could do anything or even think about what to do, the person kicked him hard. "Where's your little girlfriend to save you?" They teased. Ricky groaned in pain, he was about to use what energy he had left to fight back, but before he could he person grabbed him off the ground and hit him against the locker, making him faint and fall against the ground.

After a while, first period had finished and students started flooding the halls, EJ was on the way to rehearsals when he saw Ricky on the ground, he had a swollen, bruised up face and didn't seem to be conscious. "Ricky?" He asked, not getting an answer. EJ knelt down in front of him, shaking him a little. "Ricky?" He repeated, no answer again. He picked him up by the shoulder and took him to the rehearsal room.

Gina, Ashlyn, Carlos, and Seb were already there, but no one else had came yet. EJ rushed in, Ricky still on his shoulder, and sat him down against the wall. "Guys!" He called out to them. Everyone came and when they saw him they all covered their mouths. Ashlyn grabbed EJ by the arm and pulled him to the side. "EJ CASWELL DID Y-" she yelled, but was cut off. "No, Ash! Did you ever think that MAYBE I'm not always out to harm someone?? It makes me sick to think you would actually belive I did that! I'm freaking out just as much as you right now!" EJ went off before running back to Ricky. "What happened?? Ms Jenn couldn't make it today." Carlos asked urgently. EJ explained how he found him. Everyone else started slowly filling the room, each one shocked to see Ricky unconscious and hurt.

Nini walked in a while later.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm a little bit late, my teacher needed to talk to me and-" she said before seeing a small crowd. "Guys, what's going on..." she asked. Seb walked over to her before she could get to see what was happening. "So uh, Nini..." Seb started, giving her an anxious look. "Umm, what's up, Sebby?" She asked, biting her lip. "Don't freak out, but Ricky-"
"Ricky what? What's wrong with Ricky?" She cut him off. "I said don't freak out! It's just that... he uh, doesn't look the best right now..." Seb tried his best to word it in a way that wouldn't alarm her. She looked scared and walked past him, making her way over to everyone. "Wait, Nini!" Seb yelled. "Oh my gosh!" Nini said, shocked to see a bruised up, unconscious Ricky.
She ran over to him and began shaking him violently. "Ricky?? Ricky?? Wh-whats wrong with him? what happened?" She asked in a panic. "He was-" EJ tried to explain. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Him?" Nini asked threateningly. EJ's eyes went wide. "Wow, I didn't--" he was cut off by the front of his jacket being violently pulled. "What did you do to him, EJ?!" Nini demanded, putting a fist up with her free hand. "Woah. Girl, calm down!" Kourtney yelled, practically pulling Nini off of EJ. "For the last time!! Can everyone stop acting like I'm ALWAYS the problem?? Sure me and Ricky have a weird past but I'd never hurt anyone! Plus we are friends now. So can we please focus on figuring out what actually happened?" EJ asked. Nini nodded, still really upset and not trusting or really believing him.

After a few minutes Ricky started slowly waking up. "ughhh My head..." he groggily said, holding it in pain.

After a while, he finally felt slightly awake to the point where he could talk a little easier. "What happened, where am I?" He asked, looking around the room to see everyone staring at him. "We were hoping you'd know." Gina said, handing him an ice pack and a water. He thought about it and then remembered. "I have to go..." Ricky widened his eyes a little and tried to get up, but fell back down since he had no energy. "Hey, hey... Take it easy, bud.." Nini calmly said, catching him, and leaned him back up against the wall. "Do you remember?" Nini asked, sitting in front of him as she rubbed his shoulder. "...yeah..." Ricky said quietly. "Is there someone I need to kick in the face?" Nini said, trying to lighten the mood, but wasn't really kidding that much. Ricky just put his legs in his arms and went silent. "You needa' get some rest, Ricky..." She said worrily, letting go of his shoulder."Can someone drive him home? I don't have my license yet." Nini asked everyone in the room.
"I can." EJ said, walking over to Ricky. "Oh, I don't-" Nini tried to say.
"It's fine, Nini." Ricky said behind her. She gave him an 'are you sure' look, but he didn't seem worried about it.

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