Ta Daaa!

40 4 7

Here it isss!

Billie Miltch: Oh coool! We get our own book!

Edward Richtofen: Zhis is wunderbar and all but ehh.. I thought we were gonna get a life supply of Tapp Root beerz.. .

Ah.. Thats in a care package, which'll be landing innn... Now.

[Care package falls and hits the ground]

[Edward grabbed a crowbar and hooked on the side of the crate. Prying it open as his eyes widen of the sight. So does Billie]

Edward and Billie: Woow! This is awesome!

Heheh.. I thought you guys would be happy!

Edward Richtofen: Oh ja!

Billie Miltch: Oh definitely!

Alright.. I'll be heading out to Berlin Germany so uh-

Billie Miltch: But zheres nazis... And they can smell that 1% of jewishness in jou..

Haha.. Very funny.. But i'll be fiiine! See yall later now!

Billie: Bye!

Edward: Auf Weidersein!

[I walked away]

Edward: so uh.. I guess we do vhatever?

Billie: yeah.. I guess so..

Edward: Ah! This is just wunderbar! Haha! Zhink about zhe unlimited possiblys! Heheheh!

Billie: YOU'RE RIGHT!!

[The two then notice a Jacuzzi]

Edward: [smirks] vunna take za swim?~

Billie: Why of course~

[▶To be continued◀]

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