Chapter 4.

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Ada's POV~

Rushing into the school house I saw Billy and beelined towards him instantly, a sly smirk resting on my face. When he turned to say something I just put my finger up to his lips signalling for him to shush. Suddenly, I could feel all the girl's eyes on me as I leant into Billy ever so slightly. That's what I wanted, an audience. 
"Thanks for coming over yesterday, Bill. When we were alone I had a lot of fun." I grinned, making off with a trademark giggle. Richard's mouth hung open and he rushed after me, grabbing me by the elbow and turning me round harshly.

"Have you lost your mind, Ada? What was that? If you carry on like this-" He hissed at me, but I let my lips curl into a relaxed smile.

"Calm down Rich, I know what I'm doing, I'm not trying to become a lady around the town or anything." 

"Why did that not convince me?" He sighed and I tore my arm away from him, making my way to the girls side of the room, but Josie seemed to have stormed outside, her possy following behind her quickly. Rolling my eyes I saw Anne was still here and smiled at her, pretending nothing had happened. 

"Josie seems mad, you might have to apologise, although I don't see what her problem was, why anyone would get so worked up over Billy Andrews is beyond me." She grimaced and I shrugged, making no move to go outside and apologise to Josie. Curiously turning my head around I glanced over at Billy and a gang of boys were suddenly crowded around him, Gilbert's eyes boring into me from next to Billy. As soon as I caught Billy's gaze I snapped my eyes back to Anne and some boy, who I suspected to be Charlie Sloane, wolf whistled before he was audibly hit in the chest by, who I suspected to be, my brother. 

Mr Phillips suddenly emerged from his room at the back of the school house and cleared his throat loudly to grab our attention. 
"Get to your seats." He yelled. Noticing Josie and the rest of the girl's absence, he added, "our school bell seems to need repairs so new-girl go get the rest inside. Now." He bluntly stated and I nodded, this would be interesting. At least I didn't do it to Gilbert, I thought, Based off of what Anne told me that would be a fate worse than death. Imagine: Ruby crying, Anne staring at me, Diana's sorrowful eyes, Josie's wrath.

I skipped outside, Anne's worried eyes following me. Seeing the girls all outside, Diana ran up to me first, quickly hissing something about having to go back in, then Josie marched up to me interrupting Diana and backing me away from the dark haired girl in blue. When I was up against the wall of the building she sneered and slapped me around the face. Opening her mouth to say something, she decided against it and huffed instead, obviously going to spout it all to her mother later. The group had a mixture of sorrowful, sympathetic and glaring eyes as they all followed in, Diana waiting for me. 

Maybe that confrontation, designed to raise questions and flustering Billy into coming out of his shell, was too much. Obviously Josie thought so, but only because she was obsessed with him and getting her own way. If I was coming to this school I'd tolerate her, but no-one mentioned me liking her. I'd rather kiss a cow than have to put up with Josie for more than the school day. Turns out I might have to kiss a cow if this Billy thing worked out. 

I'm not sure what it was about the Andrews boy, but he gave me that impression with every step he just seemed off. With his friends he acted so happy go lucky and so cool, but by himself I knew there was something vulnerable there. Something more. If I had to get more slaps then so be it, but I was going to discover what Billy had behind that facade. There had to be more. 

As those thoughts ran through my mind, London kept coming back to me. What happened got out of hand, I'll admit, but London was behind me now. I never had to experience the shame again. A new start...with my mother, brother and me...and Billy Andrews and whatever came after.

A/n: I know it's short, sorry :( I'm working on the next chapter don't worry :)))

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