Chapter 8

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I sat in silence while Jared drove towards Sam and Emily's house, I could feel the anger radiating off of him while he hung up his phone after explaining to someone that a leech was back. I wasn't sure what he meant by a leech but I could put the pieces together enough to know he didn't like them. Despite the fact that he was angry and clearly in a hurry to get back on the reservation he still drove the speed limit and every time he started going over he would look in my direction before taking a deep breath and slowing down.

"When are you gonna explain what these animal attacks really are?" I asked in a soft whisper knowing that he could hear me but I didn't want to risk him getting more upset. He sighed before reaching over and resting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it slightly before he moved to grab my hand and lacing his warm fingers between my cold ones.

"When our tribe got the gene that allows us to shift into wolves we gained some enemies. Most of them we hunted into extinction," He started explaining before I cut him off.

"They killed people!?" I asked appauled. 

"They weren't really people, we protected people and only hunted species that wanted to hurt our people. Like the cold ones, otherwise known as vampires. Their attacks often get confused with animal attacks, and they are happening so close to our lands, and so close to you. So were going to stop them," He explained to me with a determined look sketched onto his face. His eyebrows shoved together and a vein on his forehead pressed out and I could see the muscles in his jaw working to press his teeth together.

"You promise you won't get hurt if you go after them," I asked squeezing his hand for reassurance. He looked over at me and for the first time since we got in the car, he visibly relaxed, a loud laugh exiting his mouth.

"I'm not scared of vampires, I'm just as strong and just as fast, if not I'm stronger and faster than them," He said bringing my hand to his mouth and placing a kiss on it.

"Just because you aren't scared doesn't mean I'm not," I said with a pout present on my face while he stopped in Sam and Emily's and he turned to look at me.

"I promise you, you have nothing to be scared of," He said cupping my face with his hands. "Nobody will ever hurt you," He whispered I slowly reached up and peeled his hands off of me.

"You can't promise that, but for what its worth I believe that you will try your best not to let anyone hurt me," I said before I opened his truck door and attempted to get out on my own before he appeared in front of me and carefully lifted me out. 

"I ordered a truck step so you can do this yourself," He said as he held my hand in his larger one. I swung our hands as we walked keeping silent because I didn't know what to say. I didn't want Jared fighting vampires and I didn't want anyone getting hurt.

"Look whos here," Emily said rushing out the door and pulling me into a hug. I gladly wrapped my arms around her. I saw Embry Call, one of my friends growing up sitting at the table staring at me.

"When did Embry join the club," I asked as he took his turn pulling me into a hug. He lifted me into the air and my legs swung left and right as he swayed with me.

"Around when you did, I just didn't trust myself around you yet," He said putting me down and laughing as Jared pulled me back into his side and wrapped both arms around my shoulders resting his chin on my head. I laughed along with Embry as he winked at me.

"Jared, Embry, we need to go outside to talk, Paul is already there," Sam said, they both sighed and Jared kissed my cheek before walking out with Embry right behind him while Emily and I looked at each other.

Insatiable ~Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now