life 🦋

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I just wonder why are we all in here
And what's the purpose of our existence
All we do is destroy everything we touch
Is life really just a task that god made for us to see how are we gonna act
And If he already knew all this why send us in the first place
Do we even deserve to be alive
Sure life is hard but are we really thankful for all the things that we already have
I have so many questions
There are people out there who will give anything for a sip of water and all we do is just sit here and go on with our lives pretending that everything is okay
I mean, people are dying every single day and every single minute, they had lives too, lives that they enjoyed living with the ones they loved
Death is to show you that anything can happen and it happens so fast that you don't realize it until it's too late to try and make things better
We're actually not realizing the chance that we all have just for being alive
And all we do is keep on complaining about the slightest things
And wishing to be dead already
Instead, we could just take a moment, look around, and notice everything that we have and just be thankful for that cause we don't know how long is it going to last
So I think that it's time to change, live our best life, stop complaining and have faith in ourselves
Yes, you are enough and no, you don't have to change for anything and especially anyone
Every single one of us is unique in their own way and everyone has their own definition of beauty
So we need to stop comparing each other and start working on ourselves
Cause if we want something so bad, we sure can make it
You just need to believe

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