Moonlight on a Rooftop in Iceland

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Camille walked out onto the roof of the guard house, the stars beautiful and distant, the air unforgivingly cold, and exhaled a large puff of heated white air into the breeze.

Looking around for Max, she couldn't think of what to tell him. Words were difficult.

She found him leaning against a railing, the metal bar keeping him from falling forty feet onto the ground. Not protecting him, just balancing him, keeping him steady.

Taking a deep breath, Cami straightened and walked over, leaning against the guard rail next to him.

The foot of space between them seemed like the distance between two stars, despite being able to feel his body heat radiating off of his arm.

Looking out over the bright lights and quiet bustle of the Icelandic city, Cami waited for Max to say something.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

The cold air a comfort compared to the icy silence suffocating her more and more with very quiet second passing.

Clearly Max could outwait her, so she forced her nearly numb lips to move, "I'm sorry."

He didn't even look over at her as he asked, "What for?"

Cami frowned, thinking about her response.

She looked at him, he stayed staring out at the lights.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you."

Max took a deep breath of cold air and let out a white sigh slowly. Still he refused to look at her as he said, "I forgive you."

Staring at him, Cami waited for him to look at her. And waited.

Sighing to herself, Cami turned to face the rooftop, thinking maybe this had been useless.

Pushing herself off of the rail with her forearms, Cami spoke without looking at him, "You should come to bed before you freeze. Good night."

Max's arm swung back quickly, grabbing her hand before she left, "Thank you."

His gaze was down at the rooftop, as if he was afraid of following his hand's journey to her hand with his eyes.

Cami had turned at the touch, unsure of what he would do, but as he stayed silent and unmoving again, she squeezed his hand softly before removing her fingers from his.

His eyes came up and focused on her's, his blue eyes piercing her more than the cold slid through her flannel jacket.

Camille nodded and mumbled, "You're welcome, Max," before breaking away from the dark blue gaze locked onto her's and heading for the hole in the roof.

She didn't see his hand clench into a fist or his jaw tighten. Cami didn't look back to see him as he stared at her retreating form. She didn't know that even after she was no longer visible, Max stared at the portal into the house, wishing he had been able to say more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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