Hell-o Precious

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You awoke with a sharp pain in your forehead. You groan as you sit up, leaning up on your elbows as you run your head, feeling warm fluff rub your head. You stop and stand up, stumbling as you go the the nearest building with glass. As you look into the glass, you pause by what you see.

You had a long, thin tail and your claws were the longest you've ever seen. Your fave, detailed like a cat's and a blue tint to your fur. Your back, equipped with long, scaly wings as black as the night sky and you wore a white bow in the center of your back, the ribbons wrapped around your waist.

You saw a large building behind you as you turn around to look at the sign. "Hazbin Hotel" It read. You stumbled you way to the doors and balled one fist, knocking on the door just before a  blonde girl answers quickly and smiles widely. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel! I'm Charlie!" She grabs you by the arm and drag you in, showing you around. Once back the lobby, she begins to introduce everyone to you from where you stand.

One at the bar catches your eye as he gives you a sharp glare of interest. Your face heats up quickly as you ask who he is. Charlie turns and grins widely. She drags you towards him and sits you down at the bar. "Husk! This is...?" She looks at you for a name before answering. "Y/n." " Y/n! Y/n, this is Husk!" Charlie says.

Husk hold out his hand so you could shake it. You gladly take it. "Nice meetin' you, sweets." He says, but mumbles the word 'sweets' under his breath. You heard him and looked away with a heated face. Husk grins softly at you as Charlie begins fan-girling. "Husk never interacts with anyone, barely!" She exclaims as Husk turns away and grabs his cheap booze. Hearing Charlie say such a thing made your eyes widen and turn to her. "Wh--" You get cut off by Husk, who dropped his booze.

You jump in the bar stool you say in as you look over the counter. All you could see in Buck's face was anger and annoyance. You swipe your hands around in motions as the glass and spilt booze, fixes and shifts back into Husk's claws. He watched in awe as he no longer had anger fixed on his face. He stared you in the eyes as you quickly turn away.

Charlie's jaw was dropped as it quickly turns into a smile. "Y'know, we could really use you around here!" she says while leading you toward a case of stairs. Before you begin up, you turn to Husk as he gives you a lustful wink. You stare him in the eyes before going up. Charlie brings you to a room with the number 1 on it as she opens the door.

"There are clothes for you in the top closet. They are similar to Husk's but are meant to fit your figure." She smiles and shuts the door. You make your way toward the closet doors. You swing them open to see white and red lined shirts and pants. You removed the bow from around your waist and throw it on the bed as you start to get into the clothes.

After trying to squeeze the short over you, you finally get it to fit. It was a struggle getting the short over your chest, since it was so big. You had to unbutton the top three buttons to prevent uncomfortable posture in your chest. You adjust it just before heading a knock at the door.

Your tail twitches softly as you begin to make your way to the door. You hear another knock as you open the door to see Husk. He looks down at your chest for a moment before making eye-contact with you, clearing his throat. "Charlie told me to get you..." His face was a crimson red, matching with yours as you hear him mumble to himself, making your face flush a deeper shade of red.

"Hell-o, precious"

He grabs your hand and leads you to the lobby, making your face the deepest of red.

• • •

Word count: 719 words

Whiskey (Husk x Female Reader [lemon])Where stories live. Discover now