How you met

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This chapter is gonna be quick but I promise some other ones will be longer.

Mal: Your father wanted you to find a royal boyfriend so he can become royalty. You became sick and tired of your Dad wanting you to live his dream. You met Mal when she was spray painting your favorite spot. You to became best friends and you two were barely separated.

Evie: You and Evie has known each other for as long as Evie's been on the Auradon. You two were partners. All your costumes for your dance recitals were made by Evie, and you were the best at styling hair so you naturally got a long.

Carlos: You were naturally friends since his mom hated dogs and you were a cat. You both enjoyed pranking other VKs and now love to prank AKs

Jay: When Ben made you introduce yourself to the VKs you weren't to upset. You never liked to be known as the next queen. When you met Jay, it all changed. There was an immediate connection between the two of you.

Audrey: Your Mom's were close friends so you basically grew up together. She may be nasty at times but your helping her work on that.

Uma: You Adored the water since you lived with your uncle Triton. You met Uma when you went up to the surface for the first time in years. You became part of her mighty crew.

Harry: You were born with pirate jeans. You were one of the best pirates that's why you joined Uma's crew. You started to hang out with Harry Hook. You two cared about each other and had each other's backs.

Ben: Ben's family went to Agrabah for a business meeting and you met Ben you two hit it off as soon has you talked during the dinner. After a week, your parents in rolled you to Auradon prep and you and Ben became closer.

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