chapter 1 part 1: girl scout cookies

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Clara's POV:

Samoas. Do-Si-Dos. Tagalongs. I dream about the delectable caramel coconutty flakiness of Samoas and the peanut buttery goodness of Tagalongs. Every bite of girl scout cookies is heaven on Earth. Except for thin mints. Dreaming about those would be a nightmare. Who wants chocolate flavored toothpaste cookies?

My delicious thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. Before she even speaks, I can tell by the rhythm of the knock that it's Angela.

"Hey, are you ready to go soon? Will says Trader Joe's closes early today because of some event," My older sister says as she opens the door and walks over to my bed.

She plops down in the middle of my mountain of plushies before grabbing my favorite MuffinBun from under her body. She starts to fiddle with its plastic whiskers.

"Angieee! Get off my bed! And give me back MuffinBun," I don't wait for her response as I grab him myself and hug him close to my stomach.

"Wait, I thought we were grocery shopping tomorrow. We always shop on Sundays. It's Saturday today."

"Will says he has residency tomorrow," she clarifies, "something about staff shortages and wanting to help out for hours. Who knows?"

I almost never understand medical jargon, but I do know that my brother works very hard. Will is going to become a doctor – a cancer doctor – but he has to work a specific number of hours before he can officially receive his license. He had to take a leave of absence when our parents passed to take care of the paperwork and more importantly, my sister and I. Now that things have settled down out there, and we've settled into our old house again, Will is back working hours. Even though he's only 25, he finished medical school early. Still, I feel terrible that he had to put his career on the backburner to take care of us.

"Ok let me put on my socks," I say as I open the top drawer of my pink dresser.


"Oooo can we please get the chocolate croissants," I spot the box of 4 in the frozen section of Trader Joes. "I saw them on Tiktok and everyone says they're amazing."

"It's pain au chocolat, not chocolate croissant," Angela rolls her eyes. "And besides, Jessica told me the almond ones are better. Let's get those instead."

"No! Blegh. Almonds are disgusting," I say, making a sour face "Will, please can we get the chocolate croissants?"

"pain au chocolat," Angela retorts. "You can't even say it properly."

"I don't see 'pain au chocolat' on the box. It says chocolate croissant." I point to the box.

"Yeah but that's wrong. They just want to Americanize everything."

"Let's settle down, please" Will says as he places a bag of frozen peas in our cart, "I don't want you two bickering out here like you do at home."

"Ok but can we please get the chocolate ones? Almonds are gross," I plead.

"You literally get your way every time just because you're a kid," Angela crosses her arms "Why can't we get the one I want for once."

"What are you talking about? Tha-"

"One more word from either of you and we won't get either," Will interrupts with a stern expression on his face. He picks up the box of chocolate croissants. "Sorry Angela. I think I'm feeling chocolate too. We'll get almond next time, I promise."

I stick my tongue out at Angela behind Will.

Outside of Trader Joe's there is an event, just like Angela mentioned earlier. We walk out to see vendors selling all types of fun toys and knick knacks. There's keychains, hand-made lotion, baked goods, homegrown jams, scrunchies, and then I see it. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!

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