Kiss and Tell

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Hey! This is my first fan fiction, I'm still learning how to write well and learn the website, so go easy on me (especially with the slight smut ha).


"Ugh never!" Natalie scoffed in disgust refusing to look at him.

"Hey! I'm not that bad! That was just rude!" Zane huffed and crossed his arms.

"Honestly I'd rather kiss one of the mice that lives in your walls!" Natalie added. The group started laughing.

"Careful don't say that too loudly near David. He'll take you up on that!" You pointed out. The group erupted into even louder laughter. David looked up at you and gave you a small smile from his spot on the love sac. As happens far too often the group delved into a who-would-you-kiss conversation. It once again stemmed from Zane asking David if he had enough footage and offering to kiss you for a vlog. And as always you and David said no to that. Natalie looked at you menacingly.

"What about you y/n? Would you kiss Zane?" She asked trying to pull attention away from herself. David shot you a worried look.

"Nah I don't think so." You said nonchalantly. Zane mimicked being shot in the heart and fake died on the carpet as the group started giggling again.

"Why not? What's so wrong with me" He asked seriously wondering.

"Nothing Zane baby it's just that I'm in a serious relationship" you stated. David shifted in his seat and looked at you with a concerned expression and shook his head. You realized the mistake you just made. Nobody knew that you and David were dating and now if you didn't do something they were all about to. You quickly wrapped your arms around Carly who was sitting beside you.

"Duh with Carly, just two single sisters. Wife for life" you said in your cheesiest voice and gave Carly a squeeze which she reciprocated. The group bought it and let out a laugh. You looked at David and both let out a sigh of relief.

"Please never refer to her as your sister and your wife in the same sentence!" Erin laughed. You made a grossed out face and let go of Carly. When the laughing died down Natalie gazed at you again.

"No but seriously if you had to kiss someone, other than your wife who would it be?" She asked seriously. You shifted in your seat.

"Yeah now I'm curious too" Erin said leaning forward eagerly and looking at you. Carly and Zane nodded their heads in agreement. You felt all eyes on you and glanced around the room quickly stopping on David to judge his expression. He looked at you with a menacing and amused look.

"Yeah y/n who would you kiss here?" He asked playfully shutting his computer and leaning his head in his hands. He's such an ass you thought. He knew how badly you wished you could tell people about you two but you had to figure out a good way to do it publicly so you wouldn't have to worry about the gang keeping secrets from the fans. You glared at him, he knew how badly you wanted to say 'David obviously' right now but he shocked you out of your train of thought.

"So? Who would it be?" David and Natalie prodded. You scanned the room one last time and landed on Matt who previously had been sitting unbothered on the edge of the sofa until he felt your eyes on him.

"Matt" you said smugly as you gestured towards him and leaned back in your seat. The answer was met with a series of whoops and 'oooouuu's. Zane leaned over to Matt and punched him on the arm and jokingly accused him of stealing his girl. The group laughed at Zane trying to karate chop Matt's bits. Matt squirmed over on his side and you saw his ears go red as he started to blush. You quickly looked over at David to see his reaction. He seemed displeased but kept it to himself. After the room returned to normal conversation you slipped away for the soul reason of giving David a reason to follow you. You ducked into his room and left the door open. You could hear the rest of the group debating on what movie to watch and Erin and Natalie and Matt quizzing Zane and Carly about romantic comedies. You didn't realize how focused you were in the conversation until you jumped at the sight of David in front of you.

"Jumpy huh?" He asked as he stepped closer to you causing you to back up into the wall.

"Is it because you weren't expecting me? Were you expecting Matt?" David accused in a low voice then shut the door.

"Babe you know that's not true, you were the one who asked the question" you told him half reassuringly and half matter-of-factly. He pushed you hard against the wall before you could react any further. He placed one hand on the wall by your head and grabbed your ass with the other pulling you into him, your chest slamming his.

"As long as you know you're all mine," he said in his dominant voice that he only used in the bedroom that he knew never failed to turn you on. He pulled you in for a harsh hard kiss. You opened your mouth slightly and brought your hands up around his neck. He deepened the kiss, putting his hands on your neck. He finally pulled away after a few seconds and you gasped for air. Before leaving the room he kissed your neck, biting it softly which you knew would leave a purple mark.

"Babe" you cried putting your hands on his chest trying to stop him, not wanting anyone to see a huge love bite in your neck and find out about you two. He ignored you and then pulled away from you, looking satisfied at the mark he left.

"All mine" he said proudly and deviously out loud. He kissed you once more and grabbed your hand and lead you outside at the same time as him for everyone to see. The group looked up all at once with a unanimous look of surprise and noticed your neck all at the same time causing all their jaws to drop. David walked around still with a tight grip on your hand and sat on the couch pulling you down into his lap with a calm expression on his face. You blushed as the group continued to stare at you two open mouthed and un-blinking.

"You guys I think y/n lied" Natalie joked cutting the silence. You all laughed and David placed a quick kiss on your cheek.

Kiss and Tell: David Dobrik FFWhere stories live. Discover now