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Ordinary World:
Jack is one of the toughest cops in his unit. He is very sarcastic and a smart alec. He doesn't play by the rules, he does whatever it takes to get the job done even if it gets him in trouble. His boss doesn't always agree with his tactics but he knows jack will always catch the bad guy.

Call to Adventure:
Jack gets a call from his junkie brother Keith asking him for his help and telling him he owes a big amount of money to a Crime lord named Colmazio "King of Hell" Carelli but he doesn't have enough money and if he doesn't give him the money in time they will kill him.

Refusal of the call:
Jack tells Keith that he won't help him and that it's his fault for getting into that crap and he could get himself out but keith begs Jack to help him out saying that there are women who are being trafficked by this Crime lord.

Meeting with the mentor:
Jacks mentor is his old sergeant Frank. Frank is like a father to jack and is a wise ol man.Jack is given the advice to go with his gut.

Crossing the threshold:
Jack takes Franks advice and decides to go with his gut which says to help those women and his brother escape the crime lords wrath.

Tests,Allies, and Enemies:
  Jack does some digging and finds some info on Colmazio Corelli. Finds out he has been suspected of trafficking drugs and women across the country but has never been convicted. Jack meets laila an ex cop who was working on trying to stop Colmazio but got too emotionally involved and had to quit.

Laila and jack get ahold of Colmazios Headquarters. Jack calls up his brother and tells him to stay in his apartment and don't leave unless he tells him too. Jack and laila sneak into the weapons locker and steal guns and ammunition along with a few other necessities and head to Colmazios HQ.

The Ordeal:
Jack and Laila get captured by Colmazios crew. They enter the HQ and see women tied up and jack cant take it so he struggles but then he gets knocked out and falls. Jack and Laila get seperated and Jack gets tortured by Colmazios Muscle man, Jack doesnt know how much time has gone by but he does know he needs to get out, find Laila, save those women and, Stop Colmazios carnage.


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