Downtown angel 。・:*:・゚★,。・:

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-/:Minho's POV:\-

I never realised how beautiful the stars are until now, it's like they have some kind of warm homey feeling when you look at them

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I never realised how beautiful the stars are until now, it's like they have some kind of warm homey feeling when you look at them.

The more I focus my eyes on them, they seem to be slightly blue like cotton candy.


Unknown: " 🎶 love, love the stars... love, love the moon...🎶~" A boy started to sing from the balcony next to me.


If I was being honest, his voice was like honey, no more like an angel.
So, so sweet to my ears, giving my spine a tingles.

It's like he didn't have a care in the world to wether people could hear him or not.

I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy beside me, only wishing I could be closer to hear his voice better.


Unknown: "H-hello..!"


He had caught me staring at him, a blush crept onto my face and a sudden rise in my heart beat.

I have to leave before my Nan catches me.

So I started to walk back into my apartment until he shouted at me.


Unknown: " Hey, wait a minute, come back for a second" He motioned for me to come towards the edge of the balcony.


So I did slowly, gripping onto the handles as we we're on the 20th floor of a 25 story apartment block.


Unknown: "You heard me sing right?" I nod looking at him to see a grin crawl up his lips.


Unknown: "Okay, well now you have to tell me about yourself..!"


Minho: "W-What do you m-mean?"


Unknown: "Well you heard my voice which means you owe me, what's your name?"


Minho: "M-minho and you?."


Unknown: "Jisung, so what are you doing out at such a late time at night?"


Minho: "I could ask the same, I couldn't sleep."


Jisung: "Oh, I haven't seen you here before, you're not from Seoul are you?"


Minho: "I'm actually from the country side, it's very different!"


Before I could say anymore it started to spit soon turning into a light shower and now what seemed like someone throwing a bucket of water above the clouds, luckily I was sheltered from the down pour, from the balcony above of me.

But Jisung stood out in the open getting drenched since there was no balcony above him to shelter himself.

He looked at me and grinned stretching out his arms, letting the rain wet his entire body.


Jisung: "I think this is my cue to leave, it was nice meeting you Minho!" He shouted at me.


Minho: "Don't be so loud you'll wake someone up and you too Jisung thank you!"


Jisung: "What are you thanking me for?"


Minho: "For your beautiful voice and cute smile." I whispered to myself.


Jisung: "huh I can't here you?"


Minho: "Nevermind, I said nevermind."


With that we both said good bye and waved while retreating back to our apartments.

Maybe now I'll have something to dream about.
A/N: yeye stray keedz in ur areA

Hello it's Ella here me is alive and well, this is random and I just felt like writing a minsung FF don't @ me.

I tried using a different style, I see a lot of people doing it and yeah. ( I'm not trying to copy anyone :p

Also using no caps/capital letters isn't quirky it's annoying and that on period, unless you're texting someone otherwise get ur shit together and learn to use the capitalisation button thing.

Me is gon cry now
Me has put me in an awkward situation
Me is be dumb
It's me problems

This is short but oh well I can't write long 😎

I apologise if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please note them out, if you found any I'm trying to improve on them :)))

Bye lovely's 😊 see you in a week


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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