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The music of the night club blared loudly as the lights flashed and sweaty bodies danced out on the dance floor. The club in question was Boulevard3 in Hollywood and the line to get in was around the block. The only way you got in was if you were a celebrity, an influencer, or an employee.

However, there was one other secret way you could get in: if you knew any one that was of the other three previously mentioned. And luckily for me, my sister was the assistant manager.

"Jesus Christ this line is long," my best friend Gaby said from next to me as we walked down the sidewalk past the many hopefuls just waiting to get their chance to step inside.

Our heels were clicking almost in perfect sink as we walked the other side of the velvet rope. "Can you imagine how long these people just wait out here in just the smallest hope to get in?" I asked.

"They probably sit outside all night," She agreed as we got closer and closer to the entrance of the club.

I recognized how bratty we probably sounded. And maybe we were a little bratty. We were two 21 year olds living in LA and we go out every single weekend. You might wonder how we afford this, and the simple answer is that we don't. If we had to pay to get in and my sister didn't sneak us discounts on drinks, along with flirting with guys in order to buy us drinks, there is no way in hell that we would be able to come to this club.

Gaby and I actually live together in a pretty basic apartment and we both have pretty basic jobs. I wasn't interested in going to college. I just wanted to go to work and start my life. Out of high school, I had several server jobs, but I now work as a secretary, or as my boss likes to call me "administration assistant," for a tech company. Gaby works as the office administrator at a local medical office. So, in short, completely boring adult jobs.

However, I feel content with my job. My parents are proud of me (I got two raises this year!) and I can put food on the table for me and my dog, Fitz. And as long as I have that, Gaby, and my family — i'm good.

We reach the door to see the bouncer, Jimmy, talking to a girl at the front. She didn't seem happy.

"Oh, come on! you've gotta let us in!" she argued with him.

"Lady, I don't have to do anything. So, I suggest you step back."

"But, David Dobrik is suppose to be here tonight!" She said.

"I don't care if Santa Claus is in there, lady. You will have to wait and see if there is any room."

The girl huffed just as Jimmy turned to see myself and Gaby timidly standing to the side waiting out this argument. His face instantly changed from annoyed to joyed as he recognized that it was us.

"Roxy! Gaby! Well, don't you ladies look fine tonight!" He exclaimed.

"Awe, Jim. Thank you," I said, waiving him off. "Is Bekah super busy tonight?"

He rolled his eyes. "As usual, there are a couple of known names in the house tonight. You may or not be able to actually speak to her. But Sam is bartending, so if you find her, I'm sure she will take care of you guys." He paused, before moving aside. "Come on in, ladies. And have a great night!"

"Thanks, Jimmy!" Gaby and I said in a chorus as we walked through the threshold of the club, the purple neon hurting my eyes for a moment as I adjust to the sight.

"Are you kidding me?!" We heard the girl from outside yell. We turned back to see the girl yelling at Jimmy and we looked at each other and laughed before we made our way fully into the club.

Jimmy wasn't kidding — it was definitely a busy night. The servers were running around like crazy and it looked like it would take forever to get to the bar to actually order a drink, much less get it. I wondered who was here that was causing such a fuss. I knew the girl outside mentioned that she was here because of some guy, but I didn't recognize the name. I assumed he was one of the "known" names that was somewhere in this tight crowd of people. I gulped as we tried to find a space that was more to the side, Gaby leading me by my hand. I was somewhat claustrophobic so I was low key trying not to freak out because of the amount of people. Gabby knew this, and that's why she took the lead when we walked in.

I tried to focus on Gaby's hand pulling me along and taking long, deep breaths. I knew if I could get a few drinks in me, I'd be fine. But it seemed like it might be a while before that happened. Gaby finally spotted where a couple was getting up from one of the couches, and hurried over for us to sit down.

"Are you good?" She asked with a worried look.

I took another deep breath. "I'm good," I nodded.

"I'm gonna go try and catch Sam's eye," she said before getting up and heading to the bar.

I got my phone out of my purse and decided to text Rebekah.

wow — it's NUTS tn!!
delivered at 12:06.

I figured she wouldn't respond, at least not right away, but I wanted her to know that we were here. I glanced up and saw Gaby on her phone to the side of the bar, where I assumed she was waiting on our drinks. Gaby and I always got the same thing, (Gaby a vodka cranberry and me a whiskey sour) so I knew that as soon as Sam saw Gaby, she would go ahead and make our drinks and charge them to my sisters tab to be discounted later tonight.

I looked over to the dance floor, which I usually loved to be on. But the amount of people out there made me feel like I was suffocating and I wasn't even in it. As I turned back towards the bar I saw Gaby heading back with our drinks and I felt a sigh fall out of my mouth in relief.

She handed me my whiskey sour and plumped down on the couch next to me, immediately taking a sip of her drink from the small black straw. I also took a sip of my own drink, well honestly it was more like a gulp, and glanced back at the dance floor. "I'm not even claustrophobic and that dance floor makes me feel like I can't breathe." Gaby said.

I laughed, but nodded my head in agreeance.

After a few more drinks, Gaby and I felt a lot more loose and we gave up our seat on the couch to head out to embark the dance floor. This was the reason I came. I love the feeling of being buzzed and being out on the dance floor — I feel like I can do anything. And, yes, I know how cheesy that sounds. But out there, I feel like I'm having the time of my life.

Gaby and I flirt with a few guys, who then buy us a few drinks, and then repeat. We don't mean to use them, but if a guy is gonna come up and offer to buy you a drink, why say no?

Gaby and I head back to the dance floor after talking to a few nice guys, and again — repeat.

Now, you may be wondering to yourself.. don't you ever wanna spend some more time with these guys? Don't you wanna see if something more is there?

And that answer would be no. I'm never letting myself get hurt like that again.


well, guys, lemme know what you think. I know this was kind of a boring-ish chapter, but it is also the first! and I also really enjoyed writing it. so, hopefully you guys will like what I have planned (: i'm trying to write with more detail and not jump into things really quick, so hopefully I can do that!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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