Tae x Kim

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The music finally stopped in the dance studio. In there, Starhunter's biggest idol group has just finished their concert dance rehearsal. Instructors, choreographer and other dancers are greeting their good bye to the five members. It is easy to see how tired they all are. They were bathed in sweat.

It took all the strength of the leader to take his eyes away from his eldest band-mate. He's struggle to keep his lips shut and not gapping as seeing their reflection on the mirror all around them. He keeps swallowing hard seeing the eldest shirts all wet with his own sweat. His breathtaking face is sweating, even his hair is wet. He's trying his best to hear the rapper beside him giving the idea for their upcoming concert, while looking at other two members fooling around as a distraction of his own mind. However, no matter how hard he tries, his eyes keep finding a way back to the perfect reflection of a perfect supermodel.

As if sensing his leader eyes on him, the eldest took off his shirt slowly and almost erotically. No, he decides to torture his viewer even more. He wipes his shirt on the sweat all over his tanned body. He firstly takes it to wipe his upper arms, showing off a bit of his bicep muscle there. Then the shirt travel slowly to his broad shoulder and joint to his neck. He knows that the leader mind is no longer there with his rapper. Holding up the smile on his lips giving his smirk to his leader, he's continuing his tease by taking his shirt to his chest and flat abs. he do it all in a slow motion, assuring that his viewer follow his hand journey on his own body. He then slowly raising his head and directly seeing the viewer eyes reflected on the mirror, and winked.

It's all it took for Kimmon to realize that he's caught in action. He cursed lightly on how Tae Darvid never got anything cross his face unnoticed. He heard the said man give soft laugh before he went to the shower together with the other two members. Seeing him leaving, Kimmon release his big exhale. He really can't control his desire each time he seeing the eldest body getting more muscler and the way his teasing style. Nobody can't detact the way Tae tease him in his sexy way. Only Kimmon knows.


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Finally he can conclude what the rapper wants for their duet performance . After assuring that he will discuss it with the concert staff they both leave to the shower. Their shower room only consist of 3 stalls, that's why he inform Copter that he would just go home directly after returning the room key. None of the other members knows that their leader can be mischief when he wants to.

When he saw that Copter gotten himself in Tee's stall, he went quietly to the last stall on the row. Without any hesitation, he pushed the door and finding the one and only Tae Darvid inside. The person in question himself, just standing leaning against the wall with his arm crossed on his chest while his shower keeps pouring. He only raises his perfect eyebrow when seeing the small man closing and locking the door behind him. Needless to say, Kimmon covered the eldest lips with his even before he try to protest.

"Copter, where's Kimmon?" As if clued, Tee who still under a shower in the middle stall suddenly asking.

"He said he would just went home directly" announced Copter.

Tee just ooh-ing after the announcement and quickly finish his shower. He has an urge to make sure his best friend is alright on his own. Despite his joker lifestyle that like to teased and sharp tongue, Tee is a loyal friend who would take cares his friends, especially his bestfriend Copter.

What they don't know and would never guess is that in the last stall, Tae Darvid is helpless against his Leader lips on his. Kimmon might be shorter than him but their strength is equal. He could just try to struggle from the arm around his neck who forcing his head bow a little and giving better access to its master. But, he won't do such a foolish act, when all he wants is within his reach. Instead, he unfolds his arms and sneaks it around the other slim waist.

"You lie"accuse Tae disbelieving and quietly in remembrance of the moan coming from the other stall.

" and whose fault is that?" reply Kimmon softly against the lips he just let go a second ago. His hands travel slowly as if re-doing the shirt travel on that perfect body earlier. Tae just smirking seeing a live light on his lover eyes which usually dreaming and passive. Never want to be a loser, Tae brings his hand lower on Kimmon's waist to his hip then sneaking backward to the most perfect butt he ever know.

"Well, hope you enjoy the show" another whisper which followed with his hand pulling the other body closer to him. As if reminding that he's in charge, Kimmon refuse his intention, instead he runs his hand slowly and tortures to the taller thigh. He lazily make circles on that soft butt yet firm thigh with one hand, while the other found his favorite part of Tae's perfect body. Now it's Tae's turn who's gasping for air as the result of those expert hands.

"Why phi Tae ? Cat got your tongue?
" he asked innocently and purposely batting his eyelashes to the person in question. Seeing that Tae can only bit his bottom lips and lean his head on the tiled wall behind him made his heart flutter with proud. It is he who made Tae lost all his masks. Only when with him, Tae is Tae, not just some cool and masculine member that do the ghostship with his other members, Tae is simply his. While he knows exactly that Tae is also the only one that can make him wide awake and recognize his presence.

"Phi Tae, are you alright, we're almost finish but I don't hear your voice at all" Bas suddenly ask worriedly. They know that Bas must feel neglected. Well, TeeCop is loud but they didn't know that TAE also busy attending their Leader needs.

"Of course you won't hear me with all loud moan sound coming from Copter!" Tae quickly snapping back to his baby band-mate.

"Aish, phi Tae. You no need to be mad at my cute Copgi na. Just say that you are envy of us." Tee making a sarcastic statement to Tae directly.

"Bas baby, you can go out first na, no need to wait for phi okay! As for the couple next door, please don't say that I envy you guys. You are making me feel more dizzy and wanna to vomit. " He reply his baby brother as he did feel a bit guilty after snapped at the maknae (youngest member).

Reminded on where they are, Kimmon stopped moving and slowly releasing his grip on Tae. He only give small peck on his boyfriend lips then lowering his head to kiss Tae necklace. He quietly gestured the oldest to exit the stall. Tae can only stare at his lover apologetically and kiss Kimmon's necklace. They both exiting the stall after assured that the other three is already on their way back home.

No one ever pay attention to their daily necklace. What they know only that Kimmon necklace is the Cross symbol pendant, actually it was in short of Tae. They never notice that behind that 'T',  A symbol shows that no matter where Tae's  going then he will always follow, tagging along and will always be with him.

So does with Tae's necklace. Should anyone ever pay close attention to it, they might notice the pendant with letter DV, Kimmon give him the idea of it. Because of that, Tae make the  necklace as his new brand accessories.

None of them ever let go their necklace. They will only hide the necklace behind their shirts during shows or concerts, but it would always hanging round their neck.

ARIE78: I'm back but just for oneshot for now. Lately seeing Phi Eak upload pics of SBFIVE every few days... Really make me wanna write about them again and I'm so falling in love with the pic of the two Alphas in SBFIVE. Don't blame me, their pics so attempting 🤣.

Shower by ARIE78Where stories live. Discover now