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Hex, a world of magic and diversity. The great lands of this world were reformed by calamity and disaster thousands of years ago. In this world there are several kingdoms or territories. These kingdoms include the ever neutral and independent Aurora a kingdom built of several "houses" established by what is said to be the heirs and heiresses of long forgotten kingdoms. Aurora is one of the few kingdoms that has domesticated local wildlife and "monsters" such as wyverns, but they've been having difficulty making contact with the beasts known as dragons. Aurora is lead by their chancellor and their council, no king or queen. The chancellor is chosen from a large group of entries into Aurora's officer academy, which works as part of Aurora's military. Aurora sits surrounded by snow fall, light in some areas, heavy in others. Aurora is also built near another massive territory known as Dragon's Reach, a safe haven to dragons and other magic beings, this place has been untouched by humans since the calamity that reformed Hex. It is considered sacred ground by many and is rumored to be guarded by a mysterious swordsman.

Other than this, other kingdoms include the desert kingdom of exodus, the kingdom of crimson sands. This kingdom is know to be less than friendly you may say. Home to conquerors, thieves, and mercenaries alike, they are a threat to many kingdoms. As such Aurora has had numerous skirmishes with this kingdom.

Next is the floating kingdom aquarius. A small kingdom compared to most, it's mainly a floating city surrounded by lush jungles and expansive marshes, as well as swamps. This is one of the few kingdoms that work with the wildlife as Aurora does.

Then comes the massive empire known as Avalon. This kingdom holds dominion over about a third of the main continent. Their lands include indigenous forests and rolling plains as far as the eye can see. Though they do also have a handful of mountains within their borders. This kingdom is typically open to negotiations, but lately have begun looking to expand. The people of Avalon typically kill any monster that approaches their walls as they feel that humans alone should stand at the top, without the assistance of another species. they are incredibly intolerant of non-humans and even have a minor slave trade.

Finally is the more oriental kingdom of Regnum ad caelum. This kingdom is spread out through a huge mountain range that reaches the clouds, most of its cities and villages hidden by the fluffy white masses. The populace is mosty made up of non-human races such as elves, dwarves, lycans, and other intelligent non-human races. this kingdom typically stays to itself and is on rather bad terms with the kingdom of avalon. On top of this regnum ad caelum is rather weary of outsiders and untrusting of humans, especially those born from avalon.

With all of these powers in play, it is almost certain that they world may be becoming far more dangerous than before and is on a course to change once more. The question is, how will it be changed and who will be the one or ones to change it?

Author note:
Even though theres a lot that's changed from the time skip, I wanted to give a special thanks to oxKIWIxo for their permission to use the story of one of their old roleplay as a launching point for this one! Thanks again and I hope yall enjoy!!!

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