part one the swindler the rookie and the sniper

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Day one monday
Location alley way
Gary Carmine got transported face first on the cement in pain
And Felix got transported on a rooftop
And Wyomings location is unknown
And five guys are circling around gary holding swords
Thug1:give us everything you have or get hurt
Gary: only if I can reach my rifle
Felix: huh where's Tucker.....a different world this is new I am alive and when I get back I'll kill Tucker
One of the the thugs grabs the lancer
Gary thinking just great I get saved only to die
Thing 1: what's this?
Felix looks down only to see Gary in danger and starts to laugh
Felix thinking that guy looks like he is from somewhere else like me so I ain't on chorus anymore and those other guys look like a bunch of weak idiots with swords and I may need cash
Thug2:boss this guy just insulted us I'll kill him
Felix: well this will go two ways give me your cash or I'll kill you
Thug3: what's cash?
Felix: wow you guys are complete morons
Felix throws a knife at thug 2 and 4s face and the knife barely misses
So Felix takes out his Magnum and shoots the two in the head and the two fall to the floor dead and the other three killed him and Felix jumps down
Gary: you killed them
Felix offers his hand to help Gary up and Gary refuses
Felix: well they were going to kill you and besides I don't know where I am last thing I remember
Tucker threw a grenade and I fell so once I get back I am going to kill him
Gary gets up and grabs his lancer
Felix: they didn't have guns and since you do you probably had a similar experience
Gary:I need to find my group and probably Clayton
Felix:well they ain't here I have a feeling we died.....I hope we didn't
Felix takes some coins off the thugs
Felix: we need to know more about where we are at and we are both limited on ammo so only when we need to shoot no spray and pray I am Felix
Gary: Gary Carmine
Felix takes two swords and he hands one to Gary and Gary and Gary takes it
Gary:so do you know how to use a sword?
Gary: so your armor is different from cog soilders what army are you with?
Felix: none but what's the cog?
Gary: the coalition of governments
They fought the locusts
Felix:never heard of them but where I come from there was the human covant war a bunch of genocidal aliens trying to wipe out humanity
The two walk out of the alley and see a demi human child with cat ears in rags and chains
Felix:what the fuck is a child doing in rags but this world is definitely different why does that kid have cat ears
Slaver: it's a slave a demi human too 20 coin's since it's close to Death
Gary: why put children threw that
Wyoming:well if  it ain't a Spartan
Felix: no just a merc
Wyoming: well we should team up
Felix takes out 30 coins
Felix:is this good enough?
Slaver: I assume your a foreigner?
Felix: yes
Slaver: that's enough actually
Felix hands him the money
Slaver:nice doing business with you and her name is Elissa
Gary cuts the chains
Wyoming: great we got a bloody kid to deal with
Felix: well she is from this land so we buy her new clothes food then question her about this world and if this guy had me pay extra we will kill him
Elissa: you payed extra
Slaver:well shit
The slaver hands Felix back ten coins
Felix: I want more
Slaver:well I uh
Felix aims his Magnum at the slaver
Gary:...he may be a no good slaver but if we kill him it may have a bad outcome but we shouldn't let him go Scott free he is selling slaves
Felix:fine you win with your White Knight bullshit but if you get in my way again Carmine I'll kill you
Wyoming:sorry chap but we need him by the way I am Wyoming
Felix: agent Wyoming then we may have a common enemy
Felix: Tucker

Felix Agent Wyoming And Gary Carmine in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now