part two

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Day 1
2 hours after transfer
Time 2:00 am
Kingdom Unknown
Location tavern
Barkeep: we don't allow her kind she needs to leave
Gary: but she's only a child near death seriously man your mest up
Felix hands the barkeep 2 hundred coins
Felix: take the money or
Wyoming is seen behind the barkeep holding a magnum to his head
Felix: Wyoming here will put a bullet through your skull
Barkeep: fine
3 hours later
Location street
Gary:so your basically a princess who could end a war if you make it back to your kingdom because you can prove corruption in two kingdoms
Agent Wyoming: she's dangerous we will eventually have to take on two armys if we keep her
Felix: I Know why she's telling us because she is going to pay us to escort her back to her kingdom am I right
Elissa:my parents will pay you greatly
Felix:I don't really care about money right now because I want to know if it's possible to transfer me back to my world
Elissa: i am unsure but we will try
Felix: count us in we are unstoppable here

Felix Agent Wyoming And Gary Carmine in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now