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Please don't mention any anime in here, this is an original story.

The moment he opened the door, we walks to other side.

My eyes widened at the sight of the bright sunlight. I looked back at the other side and it's still dark there. Kou soon then close the door and lock it. He sighs in relief, "I'm glad it's still afternoon here." He turned his back to us and went toward us. "Come on, you need a serious treatment." He puts my other arm on his shoulder and then he looks at Maddox. "Let's go, Maddox. My place is not far from here." She nodded in understanding.

So we started to walk slowly in the forest. Even though it's very painful to walk, I still keep walking forward with them while my sights are getting blurry but I tried to keep my eyes open since if I'm faint right away, it'll make even harder for them.

"Just a little bit more, we are almost there, you guys!" Kou yelled, looking forward. Maddox just keep silent, trying to not cry once more by biting her bottom lip. As for me, I tried to move my feet step by step as I quietly hissed in pain while biting my inner cheek.

Even though my eyes are getting blurry, I somehow can see two figures are running toward us. Kou's expression started to brighten. "It's my dad and Uncle Kaiser!" He exclaimed.


But somehow, I'm getting dizzy. The headache is getting more painful more than the wounds on my stomach. I'm gonna faint in any moment. I don't have any energy to stand so long and then my entire body fall down on the ground.

I heard the gasp coming from Maddox. "Max! Are you alright?!" She quickly come to my side, shaking my body to try to make me keep awake but it can't helped me right now.

I'm too tired to keep my eyes open.

"Dad! Please help Max! He had serious injures!" I still hear Kou's shouting. Maddox left my side. "Please! I don't want to lose him!" Maddox's shout sounded desperately. This is my first time to hear her shouting. I guess she's getting more confidence from Kou. I am proud of her.

Suddenly someone pick me up from the ground. "Katsuki, call a healer. It's emergency." A man's voice said as the hands push my body to his chest with my head gently resting on his chest. His hands are holding my body with gentleness. It's really different from that man's hands that always hit my body.

It's warm for me.

My eyes slowly close as I am drift to sleep.

Just this once, I am finally get some rest.


The moment I opened my eyes, all I can see the ceiling.

Where am I?

I tried to push myself up with my arms but I soon noticed that I had bandage all over my body. I guess I have been taken care of by someone. I sighed in relief. That's mean Maddox is also safe if I am here, I'm glad. But still....I can't move my legs at all because I hit my legs on the edge of the bed when I'm trying to move a bit.

I groaned in pain. Seriously, that is very hurt than the wounds I have right now!

Soon then, I finally can move out the bed. Finally I can move. I started to stretching my arms and legs but my stomach started to growling loudly. I patted my stomach and groaning angrily when I heard the loud growl coming from my stomach. I am too weak to move because I am too hungry.

I need to eat but I don't know where am I right now?

I am taking this too calmly for some reason...but still, whose house is this? This room is seem very clean and rich. I never thought I would be sleeping in someone's house, very comfortably.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin