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Okay so in my other book, I said I was going to explain what a Cagon is. Here we go!

A cagon is a hybrid, mainly being a cross over between a cat and a dragon, but sometimes, depending on the type of cagon, there is another animal/creature, such as Demons and Angels. Here are a list of Cagons I have created, and also- PLEASE ask me before using a specific Cagon! I have a small story line with the Demon/Dark Cagons, and my character Niko is the last one to be living! So please ask!

Fire Cagons: Fire Cagons are normally found in hot places, such as volcano's and desert area's, as in the name its one out of 4 elemental Cagons, this type is uncommon to find, as well as being one of the more dominant out of the 4 elemental's. These Cagons are NOT docile, and won't hesitate on attacking you when trespassing on its territory, they have the abilities to fly, but not very well, and contain Fire magic.

Earth Cagons: Earth Cagons are found in tropical area's, as well as in moor's and forests, they are the more commons Cagons to find, and are the most docile Cagons out of the 4 elementals. These Cagons are friendly, but can be really aggressive if needed. These Cagons, like the Fire Cagons, can't fly very well, and their magic, is something similar to Earth, they're able to grow plants, and control them, as well as being very good healers.

Water Cagons: Water Cagons are Common as well, they are natural born swimmers, and can be found in any area that has a body of water. Water Cagons can control the water, such as waves, tidal waves, etc.. Water Cagons can not fly with their wings, instead their wings are used as fins when swimming. They are somewhat docile, but in wanting to earn their full trust, you have to befriend them.

Air Cagon: Air Cagons are on the more rarer side of life, they are natural born flyers, and control the weather. They are found ONLY in the mountains , and are NOT docile, like the Fire Cagon, they are very aggressive, and won't hesitate to attack when coming near them. Not much is known about them since they're more rarer, and more difficult to find. (AKA me being lazy -w-)

Light/Angel Cagons: Light Cagons are also known as Angel Cagons, these Cagons are also very rare to find, they are found as well in the mountains, and in very sunny places. These Cagons can work with any type of magic, and can shape-shift. These Cagons are one of the very few Cagons that have another type of blood in them, Angel blood, which is why they are known as Angel Cagons, or Light Cagons. These Cagons are also docile.

Dark/Demon Cagons: Unlike the Light Cagons, they are they complete opposite, they like to hide in caves, or in dark area's, they mainly have dark magic, but like Light Cagons, they can use any type of magic when wanting to and can shape-shift. They are very aggressive, and protective. Although at some point in time in their history, their species were wiped out by the Light Cagons, none are left, and can ONLY be artificially made, but other than that, unless you are breeding a dragon, demon, and cat, they are all gone. (Except Niko)

Okay so update on this chapter, if you are going to make a Cagon, ask, please. This species ARE an open species, EXCEPT FOR DARK CAGONS! There is a reason for them being gone and I will NOT allow you guys to create stories such as "Despite the species mysteriously disappearing, there was another left..." or some shit like that. Niko is only a dark cagon because of what his parents are, so technically he isnt a full fledged dark cagon, but is at the same time. He has the abilities of one but wasnt technically born from two Dark Cagons. So please, ask first, and dont create a story about a Dark Cagon OC when I said they were closed. Nobody has done this yet but this is just something I have a feeling I've been needing to say.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnndddddd Thats it! If anyone wants to make a different type of Cagon, like different types like the way Pokemon are, such as poison, fighting, electric, PLEASE, and I mean PLEASE ask! Don't be afraid to pm me if you are wanting to do so, but if any of you are thinking of doing so, please ask and we'll talk about it! Sorry for the short description for each, I'm still thinking about them, and I will update this specific chapter to add more/fix, so don't worry if their Bio's sound crappy -w-.

The Book of Randomness =w=Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang