Read part 2

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No they didn't return

Instead they burn,

Thrown inside of a giant bonfire.

All books disappeared,

 It was more like hellfire.

My life felt dead,

the librarians life led to no bed.

They burned down the library,

the librarians house,

 The woman name ms. book left if only temporary,

Thought when she came back, she was engaged to mickey mouse.

like I said before book makes me free,

It's a good distraction,

don't you agree.

So now I will take action.

Every book lover all around,

stood together and stand there ground.

Started a riot, our books we must have,

As we marched and reached a curve.

Gong Gong Gong,

The bell rung,

Thought that wrong my town has so bell.

The next was Bang, Bang Bang Bang,

And next thing I know I was ageing too fast,

My mother deteriorate.

My father laughed saying  I'm unsurpassed.

I began to hesitate, and float , then bang,

The next world war began,

and Ah.....

I work up in my bed 

Cold sweat dripping off my cheek.

My mom's alive she didn't die,

and my dad still look like a geek.

Nothing happened to the books,

The library stands and ms. book's still single.

A bad dream occur, a dangerous one,

But at least my books not gon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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