Chapter 23 Last Chapter

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A/n: I decided to do a little something for y'all I don't want to just end it with them having sex.

Four years past

Jungkook had gave birth to a handsome little boy, while he was giving birth M/n had passed out before the baby head was seen.

Eunwoo was happily walking to his parents room to show them what he made for them, he entered the room and seen his dad passed out on the bed and his mom gone, the four year soon to be five walked out of the room making his way to the kitchen.

"Mom" Eunwoo called, Jungkook looks down but didn't see his son "in the kitchen honey" Eunwoo hurried to the kitchen and smile seeing his mother "mom look I color p-picture" He holds up the picture "aw honey it's beautiful did you show your dad" The four year shook his head no "dad looks dead" Jungkook sighed annoyed but keeps a smile on his face.

"I'll be right back ok honey" Eunwoo nods, Jungkook took of his apron and grabbed a wooden spoon and walking out of the kitchen. Eunwoo seen the cookie jar he grabs a chair and climbed it and reached for the jar but hear yelling "I'll just ask mom when he's back" He get out of the chair and slides it back to the table.

Jungkook came back with a smile, Eunwoo ask his mom for a cookie and Jungkook gives it to him. M/n comes out of the room with red marks on his arms and legs "you are so much stronger when your pregnant jezz, how am I going to explain these marks huh" You say looking at Jungkook holds up the spoon "what did you say" You flinched and gulp.

"How much I love you and how hungry I was" Jungkook smiles "I thought so Eunwoo show your dad the picture you made" Eunwoo eyes sparkled remembering his picture "dad look look" He climbed into the chair next to you and slide it to you.

"That's mom" He points towards a pink figure "and that's me" He pointed toward a small green one "that's the baby but she's inside mom" He points to the bump on Jungkook "and that you" You had what looks like muscles and you were carrying them on your muscles and everyone was smiling.

"Dude this is amazing can I take it to work and hang it up in my office" Eunwoo claps "yes I'll make another one" Jungkook smiles while rubbing his six month belly and walks over to the both of you "I love you both" He kisses Eunwoo ok the cheek and kisses you sweetly. He felt a little kick "and I love you my little fighter" Eunwoo eyes widen "she kicked I want to feel"

Day of the delivery

Jungkook woke up out of his sleep with a pain "ow" He stands up and liquid leaves his lower body "well time to go-" He was cut off with a sharp pain in lower back "jeez M/n get up" You didn't wake up you turned over and kept sleeping "this-" Another pain hit Jungkook "M/N THE DAMN BABY IS COME GET UP" You fall out of the bed and Jungkook was breathing heavily.

"No no she isn't supposed to be here for two more days" Jungkook glares at you "M/n g-get the baby bag and g-get me to the car this baby is killing me" You grabbed the baby bag and pick Jungkook up bride style. "Eunwoo get up buddy we need to go" You shouted Eunwoo came out of his room looking like he feel on his face "why thooo" Both of his parents raised their eyebrows "your sister coming" His eyes widen and ran over to you "what are we waiting for let's go" He runs out of the front door.

"He's definitely your kid" Jungkook says, you rolled your eyes and jog to the car with Jungkook in your arms.

At the hospital

You had called your friends once you got to the hospital and here you were freaking out once again. Not to long six male came in and Eunwoo hugs Yoongi legs "hey uncle my little sister is coming" Yoongi smiles down at the five year old and picks up "you're going to have to protect her from jerks you know" Eunwoo nods and smile.

"M/n why aren't you in there" You turned around with sweat running down You're face "Eunwoo couldn't stay out here by himself and they have him waiting I don't want to be in there while he's not on any drugs" Jimin sighed and walked over to you "M/n don't be nervous" You chuckled and waved his off "me nervous I did this already" Jimin puts his hands on his hips and gave you are you kidding me face "yeah and you passed out before even walking into the room" You cursed under your breath.

Jungkook was now pushing "oh god" He scream, you felt like you were going to pass out again. Jungkook took in deep breaths and squeezed your hand "that's it Mr. Jung keep pushing" Jungkook had sweat rolling down his face how he wish that he wasn't stubborn and took the drugs they offer "don't pass out, don't pass out , I will not pass out" The doctor gasped. You ran to him "what's wrong? Is it bad" You asked worried about your baby girl "no her head she's almost here take a look" You looked and you were about to cry. "Your doing great baby push" You cheered on your husband.

"R-really" He breaths out and smiles when he sees you smiling at the little human between his legs "already Mr. Jung let's just give it one more big push 1.....2.......3" Jungkook pushed and tears roll down his face along with sweat. The baby starts crying, you were in tears the doctor cleans the baby and the nurse wraps the baby girl in the blanket and give her to you.

"You are so adorable baby girl" You walked over to Jungkook and placed her in his arms "she looks like you so much" You say smiling down at him "y-yeah she's going to be a devil just like her brother and father" You chuckled and kissed him.

"Come in but be quite" You say Eunwoo runs in and jumped onto the bed "is that her-" Jungkook held up his finger shhing his son but smile "yes it's your little sister" Eunwoo eyes sparkles "what's her name" Eunwoo asked "what would you like for her name to be" You asked sitting net you your family "Eunjung" He said exactly you and Jungkook share a look and nodded "Jung Eunjung it is" Jungkook said kissing her head "can I hold her mom" Jungkook sits up a little "of course" Eunwoo placed himself in his mom lap, Jungkook placed Eunjung in his arms.

"She's so warm" He smiles at his sister "she's a beautiful one M/n and Eunwoo are going to go to jail behind her" You chuckled at what Hoseok said while rolling your eyes "I'll do anything for my sister" There were a few chuckles "what I say" Hoseok said "this better be the last kid I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night" Taehyung cross his arms over his pregnant belly "what was that" Yoongi looks to Taehyung with a gummy smile "oh nothing honey, you know what I think you should be in bed it's bad for your health being pregnant and all" Yoongi says hoping that his husband calms down.

Soon all of your friends leave and it was just the four of you, Eunwoo was a sleep in Jungkook's lap "looks like we will be staying here after all" You say while looking at your baby girl in the crib "we aren't having anymore kids no time soon" He sighed and looks at you "yeah looks like my sleep will be cut short again" Jungkook pops your shoulder "I love you" You say "I love you to" The both of you look at your kids and smile "I have a wonderful family" You thought while chuckling.

A/n: and we end with a fluff chapter thank you for reading. 💜

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