Wow hotdamn.

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Hello. I should probably make it clear that I've visited Alton Towers many times, am still alive, and that their machines are not dodgy in any way. I just needed an AU and well lol, soz for that Alton Towers. But yeah, this is not me making out that their machines are broken and ew and yucky.

Enjoy this short story! I have intentions of writing many more.

Today was a disaster, Dan thought, it really wasn't fair. He had only agreed to come to Alton Towers for a friend and found that, to his dismay, he'd been abandoned almost immediately after arriving; whether it was for food or for a person, Dan didn't know, but he decided to make a fuss of it later.

For now, however, he would make the most of today. After all, it was Alton Towers, and Dan couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement overwhelm his irritation when surrounded by so many rides. It was like sending a kid to a sweetshop, but even better.

Another friend of his had visited here recently, and made a big fuss of telling Dan about this one, particular ride that was supposed to be the greatest: Oblivion. He decided to follow this one friend's advice. After all, this was his first time here, and he might as well try it.

But being the lazy butt that he was, the huge crowds surrounding the ride's entrance instantly turned him off, and most rides in that area shared a similar problem.

Never mind, he thought, I can return later. In fact, he would prioritise himself: some food (preferably the chicken place over there that smelled divine), a toilet (like wow, did he really need to pee), and then some smaller rides to prepare himself; and maybe, just maybe, he would try to make sense of Tom's disappearance.

Later, after recuperating, Dan thought that he would attempt the queues again, this time braving out the mass crowds in hope of getting on the ride. Tom had since sent him a snapchat showing that both he, the group of people that he was tagging along with, and his extra large milkshake, were fine so as not to worry.

That dick, was Dan's only response.

Well, it had been an hour before Dan was seated on the ride, but it was worth it because it was a really good one. Right at the front and in the centre, he was, and already from here, he knew he would be getting a good view.

Most people were in tight, social bunches, and that made Dan feel kind of self-conscious, so that's probably why the attendant had sat him next to the only loner like person; but he was on and that's what mattered.

It had been a while since he had last been on a ride, which is why he felt a little bit nervous as the machine beneath him shuddered with life. Gripping tightly to his seat, he chuckled as he looked around wildly, enjoying the thrill that he was feeling.

Moving quite slowly, it took a while to get to the point that his friend was talking about: the drop, and by the time they had reached it, Dan was feeling a slight twinge of regret at his decision of getting on, but it was too late now.

They were on the edge now, and suddenly, the ride with Dan on it, lunged to a stop. The whirring noise that he was used to had suddenly ceased. Everyone was silent.

Feeling confused, Dan asked, 'is this part of the ride or something?'

The person sat next to him (who appeared almost bored) replied, 'No, not really. This is my third time on the ride today. Technically we should have finished it by now.'

'Oh,' was all Dan could reply with.

The groups of people turned and began to chat with one another. A few took selfies, some waved anxiously at the staff who were way beneath them, and most just complained. A general buzz of sound was being made, leaving Dan to feel extremely awkward at his lonely status.

Rollercoaster AU [PHAN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz