Chapter 1 - The Unknown

790 27 0

24 calls canceled

95 messages unsent

One and a half days alone

Things haven't been going so great for me, maybe my Peter Luck finally decided to come back after taking a break... It's so odd how everything changed in a matter of minutes.

I had just finished patrol around New York, catching burglars and helped a little girl get her balloon back from a tree. I had spare time and decided to go over to the new compound and surprise Mr.Stark with a visit. 

Mr.Stark was supposed to be going around and reviewing some projects to let Mrs.Potts focus on more important company things. 

Mr.Stark greeted me and introduced me to his new project on teleportation, something about making transportation more efficient in the future and winning a bet with Dr.Strange, but I didn't really hear most of it, how can I? The whole lab was filled with future technology, it was just overwhelming to see.

It was a pretty big project, I don't really know how big, but I know that Mr.Banner spent months researching about time traveling and warping after the events of Endgame and even gathered a group of skilled scientists, mechanics, and some interns to help him and Mr.Stark on their work.

They were gonna do a small test with an apple, making move from one stand to another, nothing too dramatic. Everything was running smoothly until the warp started becoming unstable, peopled started to run around shouting and trying to shut down the machine. 

Everything after that was a blur, I remember trying to shut off the machine but then falling into some kind of abyss. I woke up on the roof of a building, I tried to understand where I was, or how this all happened, but nothing was familiar to me, not even the language, which, Karen later stated it to be Japanese.

I tried calling, texting, literally anything to get some kind of answer from Mr.Stark, May, or anyone else at that point. 

None of them went through.

I tried scouting the area finding out that this area has a lot of people who have unique abilities, I tried asking people walking in the streets where I was exactly, but they either looked at me weirdly or yelled at me, probably telling me to back off or something. 

I forgot to take off my bag before all that, which I guess was a good thing since now I have my things. I usually went out as a civilian in the day and scouted the areas in the night, also learning to say simple words and short sentences with the help of Karen, like "hi" and "I'm lost". 

Sadly I'm not really that good in Japanese, MJ would probably laugh and tease me about that of she had the chance...

My best course of action was trying to find an English speaker, but it's way harder to find someone when you don't even know who might be one, everyone looks so different from what I'm used to, now I have to take into consideration many other features that I never thought I would.

I passed by someone that had their skin covered from head to toe in silver scales, I could barely see their eyes, which were small and squinted. Turns out they were actually a woman, I didn't realize it until I accidentally bumped into her, which made her yell at me to watch it.

So I just stuck to trying to get better in that language, I might not ever be that good at it, but knowing a bit more is better than not knowing at all.

One of the first things I learned was that going hero was for some reason illegal, or at least more restricted than what I was used to.

 I stopped a mugger from robbing a store, and although the owner was grateful, the policemen came to the scene with flashy looking people that are called 'Pro Heroes', or that's what the news reporters call them. They tried to take me away and put these weird thick handcuffs on me, so I did the best logical thing, I ran for it and didn't go out unless the problem was really bad.

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