Pineapple Pizza

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"What's your favorite drink?"

Magnus thought for a second.

"Water" he said, as serious as possible.

Alec snorted.

They were at Magnus' loft, enjoying the free afternoon. Alec's head was resting comfortably in Magnus' lap, and the warlock's hand was playing with his hair, while the other was holding a cocktail.

"No, seriously, what is it?"

"Alexander, I really can't choose-"

"You always say that" said Alec, rolling his eyes.

"Well, if you would have tasted as many drinks as I did, in almost 800 years, you would have also had a hard time to choose."

"Fine" Alec agreed. "Then, what's your favorite- No" he cut himself off, a small grin playing on his lips. "What's the weirdest thing you ever ate?"

Magnus was taken back by the question. 

"The weirdest?" He repeated, raising an eyebrow. "As, in the most disgusting or…?"

"No, as in the most different." He chuckled. "To me, I think it's pineapple pizza. Izzy absolutely hates it, but I kind of like it."

"Ah, the never ending mystery of pineapple pizza. I really don't know why people have such strong feelings towards a pizza. I mean, yes, wars started for far less important things, but still…" Magnus said, taking a sip from his cocktail.

"What, you don't like it either?" Questioned Alec.

Magnus shrugged.

"I never tried, so I don't know."

"What?!?" Alec almost screamed, raising up on the couch. Of course, after the sudden outburst, he couldn't help but blush, embarrassed. "I-I mean," he stammered, " you never really tried pineapple pizza?"

"I was too scared to try," Magnus admitted, grinning. 

Alec shook his head.

"You need to try some" he said, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Immediately".

Magnus rolled his eyes, but let his boyfriend order the pizza. 

Well, almost let him.

While Alec was talking on the phone, Magnus couldn't help but stare at the way his lips were moving, or how he would (Magnus presumed unconsciously) lick them. It was impossibly tempting. But just then Alec bit his bottom lip. That's when Magnus had an incredible idea.

He moved closer to Alec, who was unaware of his devious plan. Magnus then started to kiss him. Not on the lips, as that would make him incapable of talking, but on the cheek, then on the corner of his lips, his jaw, even his neck. By the time Magnus started to kiss his jaw, Alec was red from head to toe, and barely able to talk. Despite this, he didn't try to stop Magnus.

"Uhm, t-thank you" he said, trying to finish the conversation on the phone. I-I,..., mhm, ha-have a good da-"

Alec never managed to say the word "day" as, just then, Magnus gently bit his earlobe, and a loud gasp escaped his lips instead. He quickly closed the phone and throwed it away. 

"Damn it, Magnus" he said breathless, bringing his arms around Magnus' shoulders, almost like stopping him from going away.

Magnus chuckled, feeling kind of proud for having such an effect on his boyfriend. He looked at Alec's flushed face and smiled the most innocent of smiles. But Alec was a bit too lost into Magnus' kisses to care about being teased. He grabbed a fist of Magnus' shirt and kissed him deeply and urgently, almost needy. Magnus couldn't do anything but kiss him back, putting his arms around Alec's neck. 

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