Chapter 15

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I'm alive again and ready to update!

"For fudge sake Sensei, stop all this strainious activity, if I weren't here, you would probably be covered in bandages like a mummy." A certain protagonist scolded.

"But, Midoriya-"

"No buts, you need to take some time off, you may be a pro hero but you are still a human."

"Tch, fine." The teacher finally agreed.

Walking out of the infirmary, Izuku walked down the school corridor despite school being closed. A day prior, the sports festival was announced so most students were training. Izu decided it would be best for him to train with All Might and Recovery Girl.

Before opening the door to the teachers lounge, Izu heard muffled voices in some sort of argument. Curious, he opened the door.

"Toshinori, it doesn't matter what you think might have changed but I don't want to look at it again, fate can not just bend." A tall green haired man exclaimed before looking straight at our protagonist.

"Ah young Midoriya, come in." All Might noticed the boy.

After an awkward moment of silence, Deku spoke up. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something... if you want I could leave-"

"No! no it's fine. In fact, I think you came at the right time." The blonde motioned for the student to sit down next to him.

"Toshinori, I don't know what you're playing at but-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, the blonde interrupted him. "Sir Nighteye, I would like you to meet my successor, Izuku Midoriya."

At that, Izuku had stars in his eyes. "ITSNICETOMEETYOUSIR!IMAHIGEFANAND-"

"Kid, calm down. No need to scream and speak gibberish." All Might deadpanned.

Sir Nighteye raised a brow at the small bean. "Is that seriously what you went for?"


"You guys are getting of track." Toshinori sighed. "Nighteye, I brought you in today so that you could look at my future again. I need to know if it has changed."

"I told you already Yagi, the future can't be changed. Fate has shown me that you will die soon. It has already begun and you know it. Last time I checked, you could barely hold three hours!" Nighteye got up, preparing to leave.

"That time limit thing? I managed to boost it up to 8 or 9 hours a day. But I did heal his respiratory system." Izuku interjected.

The tall man froze. "what..."

"I mean, he still needs regular check ups and healing sessions. Sure, he's not as good as he used to be but he is still the number 1 hero." The angel rambled.

Sir Nighteye quickly turned to face the boy in shock. The blonde just nodded at the small greenette while the older greenette made his way back to the couch.

After a long moment of silence, the ex-sidekick finally spoke. "Why didn't you tell me?"


"Why! After all this time, why contact me now?"

The blonde was left speechless. It honestly took a lot of guts for him to contact his ex-sidekick and now hero. The only reason why he wanted to speak to Nighteye was to see if anything has changed from the last time he checked his future.

"Well... I... um." All Might tried to find the right words but no matter what, the right sentence did not exist for this situation. "I couldn't."

"You couldn't?"

The number 1 hero lowered his eyes. "I couldn't face you. Despite being one of the greatest heroes, I... I could not face you. Not after your vision."

He stood up. "But now, after a long time.I found my resolve. I will continue being the number one hero but train the younger generations to the best of my ability. We all die in the end, so when I do, I want to leave proud of what I did. Until then, I shall fight."

After a moment of silence, Sir Nighteye finally spoke up. "Fine, but first let's catch up. It's been a while since we last saw each other."

And like that, the two adults got up from this heart warming scene to catch up like old times. Leaving a confused Izuku in the room.

"Well, might as well heal some people in the hospital." The green boy sighed.

Next chapter: Sports festival. But I am now holding voting poles.

Izuku's hero name:


Or something else

Internships, who do you suggest.

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