A Mentor Like None Other

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"Rise and shine!" I heard as sharp sunlight hit my eyelids.

"C'mon wake up! We have to get to breakfast in ten minutes Jason!"

Where the hell am I? Where is Uncle Jukebox?

"God I have wanted to be a mentor for ages and ages!" a tall jet black haired boy said, his black eyes sparkling with joy. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, with his deft hands tying up the curtains.

"Mr. Zachariah Hades?" I mumbled slowly as the previous night's events unfolded within my brain.

"Yup. We can do the whole introduction stuff later. If we don't get to breakfast in time Professor Iuvenus will skin me alive," he said jumping to get my uniform ready and spread out on my bed while I groggily walked to the bathroom.

Once I came out I saw him standing with another shirt in his hand. "Uniform shirts are different, they are absolutely archaic," he rolled his eyes, "I mean, why have a collar that has to be strung up? Why not just a regular shirt?"

"Surely no one will notice?" I said, drying my hair on the lush towel.

"Oh they will, they always do."

I huffed, "Fine."

"Just wear the winter school blazer and the robes and we can get going for breakfast."

I wore the thick blue woollen blazer and wore my robes. I must be looking like a penguin, so many layers of clothes!

"I really want to see your face when you keep the coin in," he said his eyes twinkling merrily.

"What happens?"

"You will just have to see, won't you?"

"Aren't you supposed to tell me stuff?" I said as I inserted the coin in its slot. The robes suddenly got embroidered around the cuffs and collar with little planets. "Wow," I said softly, fingering the little embroidered planets with awe.

"I am supposed to tell you stuff, but I am also supposed to let you make your own experiences. That embroidery changes with every year you have at Hallufias. Now LETS GO! We are already three minutes late as it is!"

Zachariah took hold of my arm and flew down the stairs with me tumbling behind. We pushed past some very annoyed students and bumped into many more. Reaching the dining room, adjacent to the common room, within seconds, I took hold of my knees as I struggled to get air into my lungs.

"We. Are. Never. Doing. That. Again," I gasped.

"Good morning Messers Exodus and Hades," Professor Iuvenus said from across the table.

"Good morning sir. I am sorry we are late sir," Zachariah said, taking a seat near the door.

"No, it's my fault Professor, I didn't get up easily," I said, sitting myself next to Zachariah.

"Trouble sleeping?"

"No sir, the accommodations are wonderful. Just tired is all."

Zachariah cleared his throat, "Jason, this is your family. Our patron is Professor Iuvenus, but every Professor has their own set of students, which get shuffled every semester. The patron is like a guidance counsellor. This semester, since you are under my wing, we will be under him. If I get shuffled, so do you until third year. Breakfast is always taken with your patron, with the other students under his wing as well. It promotes a sense of comradeship and brotherhood. If you could all introduce yourselves please?" He finally took a sharp intake of breath as he finished his speedy prattle.

"Theodore Sangrias," a freckled boy sitting next to Professor Iuvenus said.

"Emmanuel Vance," another blonde haired boy said.

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