53; Loss

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Thanks for 20k reads jfc guys you must really be liking this, sorry for being so inactive, I just cut off a toxic friend from my life and is now going through a phase. Well, my mum says it's a phase, I'm not sure yet ✌️✌️ enjoy

The battle was one of the worst I've seen or heard about. Let alone be apart of. I really thought we had it when Thor showed up. He was with some other people, a walking Racoon and a tree called Groot. I'd never met him before but he seems pretty cool.

I had been hit in the head pretty hard and was lying on the ground face down. I push myself up onto my elbows and spit the mud from my mouth. I wipe the spit from my mouth and my hand is coated in my purple blood.

I find the strength inside me to stand up. I'm barely able to make it to the tree besides me before my knees give in and my vision spins around. There's no one around me which was weird. There was quite a few people before I was knocked unconscious.

I stand up again and guide myself around the forest, tree by tree. I can't find anyone. I can't hear anything. There seems to be no sign of civilisation. I stumble my way to the edge and see a colourless Vision on the ground surrounded by my dad, Bruce, Thor and Nat. I gulp hardly and walk closer to everyone else.

"He won, he did it." My dad says out of breath, kneeling besides Vision.

"What he said happened." I said my dad getting up and coming over to me. "What are you doing?"

"What I should of done before." He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me. "Bucky's gone." That's all it took to break me. Those two words.

"What?" I couldn't believe it, the tears were uncontrollable and I buried my head in my dad's chest. He couldn't be dead, no he has to be alive.

"We tried, we all did." I felt a tear fall down his face onto my head and he cradled me into his chest. My life went from good, bad, worse, even worse, slight recovery then back to even worse. My dad stepped back and I felt empty with the loss of contact. "Round up as many people as you can find, we leave as soon as possible."

I couldn't understand how he could just walk away from all this. Everything. Half of humanity is no longer alive AND HE CAN JUST SIGH AND WALK AWAY.

"How do you do it?" I ask.

"Do what?"

"Don't you understand, half of humanity is gone and you're just going to walk away!" I scream.

"I'm not walking away, we need to find out everyone who's gone."

"You're so calm though."

"This isn't the first time I've lost a lot of people."

"Not this many!" I sigh trying to contain my anger. I was like a pot of boiling water about to spill over, my weak form was seconds away from collapsing onto the ground.

"Y/n calm down." Nat says coming over and trying to relax me. "Breathe, everything is going to be okay, and we're going to go back to New York today and meet your dad there tomorrow."


I lied on the soft cushioning of my bed staring up at the ceiling. A common habit I have when I'm stressed. Tony left and went to space to visit some planet and we haven't heard from him since. Fury vanished too but where he disappeared was an object of some sort communication device. It had been inactive but I saw some light outside in the night sky. It wasn't a meteor, it was too fast and the wrong shape and colour.

It landed straight in front of the compound and made its way inside, that's when I realised it's person. I grabbed a hoodie off the floor and made my way to meeting room where everyone else was.

The others in the compound were gathered around the strange device and the person turned out to be a woman.

"Where's Fury?" She said, confidence echoed in her voice.

"Who are you?" James asks.

"I asked the question first."

"Where the other half the universe is." Natasha answers realising she wasn't going to answer James first. "Now who are you?"

"Captain Marvel."

"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only one Captain and he doesn't dress like that." I speak up making her whip her head around. Looking past her I see my dad smirk to himself making me smile.

"And who might that be?" She almost threatens.

"The tall, muscular, blonde guy over there." She turned back around looked him up and down. "Careful, you're drooling and I don't need a mom."

"Y/n, watch your attitude." My dad warned.

"Don't make her my mom Jesus Christ she's more cocky than Tony." I complain.

"She's not going to be your mom." He sighs. "What's your name?"

"Carol Danvers."

"What are you eighty? That's such an old name." I couldn't help but laugh at this woman. It was like she was asking for it. I look up and see the look of disappointment on my dad's face making me stop laughing.

"What happened to Fury?"

"He turned to dust in the streets of New York and this machine is the only thing we have left." Natasha says.

"It's a communicator, he said if he ever needed something he would call me with it."

"If Tony were here he could tell us more about it." Dad looks down, realising that Tony could be dead too. "Is there any news on Tony yet?"

"Not that he was seen going onto the spaceship with a guy with a cape and spiderman." Bruce says looking up from his tablet.

"Wait, Peter's missing too?" I didn't realise Peter had gone. "And no one told me?"

"I'm going to find this Tony guy." Carol says turning and leaving. Seconds later we see her flying past the window.

God I hate her and barely know her.

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