Chapter seven

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    "I want to go to college." Caroline announced with a smile.
Her mother stared at her with an expressionless face.  She had called Caroline with the intention of punishing her for disobeying her the previous night but Caroline had stunned her with her announcement.
    "Is this another one of tour tricks?" Her mother's tone we business like as was her dressing. Today, she was wearing a flowered shirt tucked into a high waist pencil skirt. Her hair was pulled into a French twist at the nape of her neck exposing her clear unlined face.
    "No mother. It's not a trick. I'm going to college."
    "What course do you intend to pursue?"
Caroline shrugged. She hadn't thought much about that.
    "Anything that catches my fancy." She replied.
    "You're not doing this to escape punishment..."
    "What made you change your mind?" Her mother asked suspiciously.
    "I just gave my life some thought." Caroline lied.
Her mother nodded.  "Fine. I just hope you don't drop out like you usually do."
Caroline bit back a rude remark and faked a smile. "Thank you."

She enrolled to take a full time course in performing arts. Though she had no interest in studying, she forced herself to sit through the lectures with the comforting thought of seeing Kelvin at the end of the class.  With everyday that passed, they drew closer till a kind of comaradie was established between them. Caroline's attraction to him remained but she cautioned herself from doing anything rash. She was not going to rush anything between them. They spent most of their time together, sometimes in laughter, other times in comfortable silence.
Kelvin's feelings developed into something he could not name, eight weeks after she resumed college. He caught himself staring at her several times. The sound of her laugh would set his heart racing. He was afraid of the feelings that he had for her.
Agnes notices their increasing closeness with apprehension. In another world, she would have been happy to see such closeness between two young people that she treasured but in reality, she knew that their friendship...or closeness was going to cause trouble.

It was difficult to attend college without the whole town knowing about it so Caroline was not surprised when she saw Priscilla and Matilda waiting for her outside the hall after lecture.
    "So it us true. You're studying." Her feline features was pronounced by the dark eye make up she had on.
    "I see no crime in that." Caroline replied and waved at Matilda who waved back.
    "I didn't believe it when I heard." Priscilla said. "I remember you vividly saying that college was for people who didn't know the next thing to do with their lives."
    "Priscilla." Matilda chided.
    "What? She said that didn't she?"
    "How are you coping?" Matilda asked Caroline.
    "It's okay." Caroline replied. "Still trying to get my bearings."
Just then, she spotted Kelvin and waved.
    "Excuse me girls, I have to go." She waved at Matilda, threw Priscilla a hateful look and ran to meet Kelvin. They held hands as they exited the building.
    "Isn't that the driver?" Priscilla asked when Caroline was out of ear shot.
    "I think so." Matilda replied.
    "Are they an item?"
    "Come on Priscilla. You know that is not possible."
Priscilla nodded but looking at their retreating figure, she knew that her thoughts could be accurate.
She had known Kelvin for a long time long before Caroline had introduced him as a driver but she ad known him from afar. For as long as she could remember knowing him, she'd had a crush on him. She had attended many concerts where he had played and had fallen in love with his music as well. He was good looking and intelligent, just the kind of man she would have loved to have. She had tried several times to be his friends but he never seemed to notice her. Now, though she and Caroline were not the beat of friends, she had an opportunity to get closer to him.
The next day, Kelvin was seated beneath the shad of a tree composing a song while he waited for Caroline when Priscilla sat beside him. He was so caught up in what he was doing that he didn't notice her at first.
    "What are you composing?" She asked.
    "A song." He replied with a flat tone and continued what he was doing.
She sung out the notes in the first bar and Kelvin looked up at her.
    "That was good." He complimented.
She smiled. "I know a lot about music. I could play the piano since I was a little girl. It's one of the things I love."
    "Yeah. Music is life itself. It gives you room to express yourself without restriction. It could make you feel good at the same time, it could make you feel sad."
    I like the happy part though."
Kelvin laughed "I agree."
Caroline had just walked out into the open when she spotted Kelvin and Priscilla seated beneath the shade of a tree and laughing like they had known each other for a long time.
She felt jealousy and anger rise in her as she watched them together. She realized she didn't want him with other girls. She didn't want his attention on anyone but her.
He looked up, his eyes still twinkling with amusement and he saw her. She turned around and ran. She hers him coming after her but did not stop or turn until she got to where the car was parked.
    "Is something wrong?" He asked her.
    "No." She replied flatly without looking at him.
    "Then why did you take off like that?"
    "Nothing." She replied and folded her arms across her chest. "Can we go now?"
She knew that he was confused about her reaction but did not care to explain herself.
    "Fine." He said pulling the car keys out of his pocket.
The drive home was made in silence as Caroline refused all attempts at conversation. At the mansion, she exited the car without a word of goodbye to him.
    "Welcome dear." Agnes greeted when she stepped into the kitchen. "How was lectures?"
    "It was okay." She replied dryly.
    "What would you like to eat?"
Caroline smiled. "Are you trying to fatten me?"
    "Of course dear. You need extra meat on those bones. Lest I forget, your mother is waiting for you in her parlour. Why nit see her first and come down for lunch."
Caroline nodded and went up the stairs to hwe mother's parlour. It was a smaller room that was designed to make a visitor comfortable. It was tastefully furnished. It was her mother's private space, one that Caroline tried to stay away from. Her mother was seated on one of the sofas dressed in a sky blue dress that got to her calves. Her hair was in a French twist.
    "You asked to see me." Caroline said.
Mrs Benson poured a cup of tea and took a sip before looking up at Caroline.
    "Yes I did. There is going to be a welcoming party at Mrs Pritt's house and we have been specially invited.
    "Who are we welcoming?"
    "Michelle her daughter. She has been away for a while and they found it befitting to organize a party for her."
    "When is this?" Caroline asked with a bored expression.
    "Tomorrow by 5pm at their residence."
    "Do I have to go?"
    "It would be rude if you don't show up. Besides, it is high time you get acquainted with people of your class."
    "If they are all like Priscilla, I don't want to know them."
    "Priscilla is a dine young lady. She is well mannered and bestowed with good graces. I think you should learn from her."
    "Why don't you just adopt her?"
    "I would if I could."
    "Why? Because I'm not good enough?"
    "I don't have time to deal with you Caroline. Get a dress to wear tomorrow and please, let it be decent.

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