Chapter 6 LothLórien

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They run outside, leaving Moria. The Fellowship all collapse heartbroken, the Hobbits are crying, Legolas looks forlorn, Boromir hugs an angry Gimli. Aragorn wipes his sword, Haraldur sits down next to the Merry and Pippin.

“Legolas! Get them up!”

“Give them a moment for pity's sake.” Boromir pleads

“By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Haraldur get them up.”

Legolas reaches down and grabs Haraldur's arm, “On your feet, Dwarf.”

Haraldur yanks his arm out of Legolas' hand, “Touch me again, Elf, and you will regret it.”

Legolas quickly draws his bow and points it at Haraldur, “Move, Dwarf.”

Haraldur laughs, “You think I am afraid of your pathetic bow? I was not afraid of you as Dwarfling, what makes you think I am afraid of you now?”

“You'll be dead before you draw your sword,” Legolas says.

Haraldur grins, “And you'll be dead before you blink.”

“Enough, we cannot fight amongst ourselves. We must keep moving.” Aragorn tells Haraldur and Legolas.

“Aye, the Orcs,” Haraldur says, then points his hand at the exit of Moria, “Bombarda!”

Haraldur blows the exist up blocking it so that the Orcs cannot follow them. He never once takes his eyes off of Legolas. But he grins when the Elf swallows hard.
Haraldur sits down again next to Merry and Pippin, who look at him wide-eyed. “You are just a stubborn as Oakenshield,” Legolas says.

“I'll take that as a compliment.”

After the Hobbits had time to compose themselves, Aragorn calls for them to move out. They make their way to Lothlorien, walking quietly and carefully, looking around them.

“Stay close young Hobbits. They say there's a great sorceress that lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell...”

Haraldur rolls his eyes, “Cousin, that is only the Lady Galadriel, she is no Elf-witch.”

“How do you know The Lady, Dwarf,” Legolas asks.

“None of your bloody business, Elf.”

“Can the two of you not fight,” Aragorn asks.

“As you wish, as long as the Elf holds his tongue,” Haraldur says.

“You should-”

“Legolas, stop,” Aragorn commands.

Legolas glares at Haraldur, who ignores him. As they continue to walk through the forest, they are ambushed by Haldir and his men. He has his bow pointed at Gimli, but his eyes shift to Haraldur, and he lowers his bow, He bows to Haraldur, “Mae govannen, Haraldur, Son of Thorin. I am Haldir of Lórien.”

Haraldur returns the bow, “Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien,(Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien)”

“We have heard much of the Dwarf Wizard. By orders of the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, you all are welcomed to Lothlórien. Follow us.”

They all look at Haraldur, who smirks, making him look just like Thorin. The Fellowship arrives at Caras Galadhon. They ascend a winding stairway amongst the trees, towards the grand court of Galadriel and Celeborn. With a glow issuing forth from them, the Lord and Lady of Lothlórien descend to meet the Fellowship, hand in hand. Aragorn touches his head reverently in greeting as does Haraldur. Gimli looks at him oddly but shrugs and does the same thing.

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