chapter one: calm before the storm

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I dont remember much about that time. The time there was food. The time there was peace.

We were all living in that little shack in Montana. I was living with my loving mother and father who said we were blessed to have everyday, they said prayers in the morning and at night and at all meals. It wasn't just us though. We also shared our shack with the Mathesons. You could definitely say that we were all good friends. Dad and mr Matheson, Kevin, go way back. They went to school together and were constantly getting in trouble. By the age of 16 they had calmed down alot and were much more mature. This was the time dad met my mom and Kevin met his wife Martha. Mum and Martha became even better friends then my Dad and Kevin. They bonded over baking recipes, books , even knitting. They even fell pregnant at almost the same time. I guess they had alot of time to bond seeing how Dad and Kevin were always off trying to change America. They were part of this secret organisation simply code named "the storm".They weren't a bad group of people, they were just trying to bring peace to this once noble land.

Damian was born in the spring of 2080, I was born two months later. I don't know much of what happened but I was told that after Martha had Damian, times were though. They couldn't afford the rent on their house with a new baby and everything and were soon evicted. Cold, penny less and homeless they turned to their dear friends for help, knowing they could not raise a child on the streets. It was hard on my parents. They found it hard to feed the three mouths they had let alone three more. I don't know how they did it but growing up I never remember a day when I went to bed hungry. None of us did. We didn't have much but we were content.

Trouble only arose when we got sick. Damian was 5 when he started getting violently ill. He was throwing up everything and couldn't even keep a meal down. Even when he didn't eat he would still get sick.They had to keep me away from him as much as possible. We all thought he was going to die. If it hadn't been for my mother he would have. One of my mothers few possession was a book about herbs and wild plants. It told her what plant cured what.It took her about a week to find every thing she needed to help Damian but she eventually found it. Not a moment to late.

  When we were six, Dad and Kevin came home late from a strom meeting, with their heads held low. The storm was planing to assignate the president. Mum begged and begged Dad not to do it. I guess it work because Dad stay home that night. Kevin was not so easy to persuade. He felt very strongly about the storm and felt that killing the president was the only way to bring peace.

However things did not go as planed. Somebody in the storm had been a spy the whole time. They knew every single move they made. Everybody in the storm was captured and sent to prison.  Dad said that it would be pointless to go looking for them as they were all probaly dead by now. Martha was inconsolable. Dad apparently wasn't the only man in the storm who stayed behide. Other men who didn't wanted revenge.  To do this they got 3 nulcer bombs and aimed all three at Washington.  It was a prefect hit and it completely sunk washington.

After that the north felt the south needed to be taughta lesson. That was when the northern army crossed the souths boarders as the snow fell. There was a smell of fear in the air. The northern army started to torture people. Demanding to know the whereabouts of each of the members of the storm. They came in the night and one by one each of the member were killed.

Dad grew afraid. We hid in the celler for 3 weeks. It was craped, damp and there was little to eat. Martha was still griefing and was drove slowly insane. She couldnt take being in such a small space.

That night Martha couldnt take it anymore. When we were all asleep, she ran out of the celler and went to look for food. It was at the moment we heard a load gun shot which woke us all. After couple of hours we got up to see what happened. There, lying in the snow, surrounded by a pool of blood, Martha. She was still. Her raven black hair was pasted to her head with blood.

Damian wouldn't eat for a week. It was a small ceremony we had.  We burried her in the woods, near a bush where she used to pick berries.

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