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I, I always wanted to be a teacher
Who teach students forever
I wanted to share my knowledge
Until the my life's edge.

To see is to believe
Dreams I'll receive
All I wanted is to show what I can do
And keep going, I'll should go.

Support from my parents are their
But for sometimes its not fair
All I want is to be with there
To my ambitions, fair and square.

My friends always in my side
To make my eyes even wide
I want to give them a high five
For helping me stay alive.

My teacher is my hero, sayings say
And I believe that forever
I'll treasure even what are they
But still I'll love my teacher.

I wanted to have a simple life
Happy and contented with my future wife
Living in my dream home
Is the best things, its a great tone.

But from now, what I can do
Is to dream and dream, that's the truth
But still I must go
To fulfill my ambitions, and to make my dreams came true.

As of now, I must study hard
And to have a high grades in my card
To impress my parents every time
And to make them smile.

Showing what I can do is, easy
But what I can do more is pricey
So I must be strong
And try to avoid wrongs.

So even I'm all alone, I'll try
Even I'm tired, I'll fight
Cause I know its for my dreams
My ambition as a future teacher, is always on it.

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