fuck you // eminem

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" give your mom a call you cold-hearted son of bitch

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" give your mom a call you cold-hearted son of bitch." JJ spoke while putting his shoes on. ion know why he's telling me to call my mom when he doesn't even know where his mom is, not to mention he doesn't even try to contact her to see her whereabouts.

" i'm good homie ion wanna talk to complicated people, cause you know in the end you can't reason with them it's just not possible." JJ chuckled. he has guts to wake up this early in the morning to do his jog which i found completely useless because he's already fit. but in the end it's about keeping the bod real.

" ight imma go and be back in 20 minutes." he said running out the door and down the street. how is he so fucking energetic it's 5:00 am.

I rubbed my eyes " what a handful man he is."

" shit— ion know what to do should i go back to sleep? or just go start my day?" i wasn't really tired anymore because of JJ so i started my day.

" i'm back!" JJ came in yelling happily, why is he so happy? JJ ain't the type to be hype or excited.

" what's up?" i said raising my eyebrow.

" i got two free tickets.." he spoke i crossed my arms. ok? but tickets to what?

" tickets? to what? the circus?"  i spat while he starts flashing the tickets in my face. bruh he's actually getting annoying.

" fuck man! what's the tickets for?" i said a little more aggressively. he cooled down a bit and showed me the tickets.

" Livia..Clove?" i scoffed. who the hell is that?

" yuppers I got free tickets to her concert this friday night and your coming weather you like it or not." he said demandingly, i grabbed a ticket from his hand.

" who is she? and why do you want to see her so badly?" he kisses his teeth forgetting that i listen to rap music he then sighed shortly after.

" she my idol i want to marry her." JJ spoke. wow 'marry' is a fucking damn strong word. the last time he said he wanted to marry someone they ended up cheating on him. jess

" man whatever floats your unbalanced boat." i said putting the ticket into my grey sweater pocket.

" truss me Marshall you'll love her she really knows how to show a good time." he spoke i scrunched my face ' did he and her ever met and fuck?' nah JJ is to much of a pussy.

" whatever man." i say sitting on the couch i  grabbed the closest controller trying to start up 2k.

" i'm telling you she slaps."

" i heard you dumb-fuck." he bursted out laughing taking the other controller. JJ needs to stop falling for dem girls cause they will hurt him like jess.

fuck you ; eminem Where stories live. Discover now