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Don't put someone down because of their sexuality or if they're homeless, help them. It's not fair or right to say someone isn't worth it or that no one would care if they die, because there is someone out there who loves them for who they are. Whoever is reading this, YOU MATTER. No, I don't know what you go through on a day to day basis, but it's not ok to just sit here and stay silent, you have a voice. You are amazing and wonderful, whoever u are, be proud to be you because who you are now, is the best type of person. Yes, you can be better but no matter who you are or what you've been through, you matter, you're important to society. It doesn't matter your sexuality or where you live, you matter.

Don't put someone down because they're different, be inspired because they have the courage to be themselves.

Yes I know it seems life sucks and there's voices that tell you that you'll never be enough or that your not worth it, I know, I've been there. It may feel so easy just to give up but your life matters. Think of how the people who love you would feel if you would to take your life. Think of the people who make you happy. They love you

Whoever you are, you're amazing, special, wonderful, and beautiful in your own way, don't let anyone tear you down.


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