Chapter 2

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Splatter opened her eyes slightly, everything was blurry. She blinked a few times, then everything came into focus. Wait a minute, she thought. I'm not wearing my glasses!

She sat up, she gasped in shock, she could see without her glasses. She gazed around the room in wonder, she noticed that she was lying on a couch in what appeared to be someone's living room.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps, and they were getting louder. She quickly lay back down and closed her eyes, but she kept one eye slightly open. "Do you think she's up yet?" She heard a familiar voice say. "I really want to show her what we discovered!"

Anna shot up as Jeanne and Aria walked into the room. Behind them were a girl with brown pigtails and a boy with red eyes, sharp teeth, and white hair. "Yay! You're awake!" Aria said as she and Jeanne ran over to hug Anna.

The albino boy and the girl with pigtails walked over. "Good, now you can tell us your names." The albino said. "Your friends refused to tell us their names until you woke up."

Anna thought for a moment. Don't tell them your real name! She thought. You don't know these people!

"I-I'm Splatter," She said. "Splatter Dash."

Aria and Jeanne looked at her weirdly. She shot them a go-with-it look. "Oh! So you're named after the mark on your eye?" The girl with pigtails asked.

Anna nodded. Good thing I like that name, She thought. Because now it's permanent.

"My name's Lyra." Aria said.

"I'm Navy." Jeanne said.

The girl with pigtails smiled. "My name is Maka," she said. "And this is my weapon, Soul."

Splatter gave her a confused look. "Oh, that's right!" Lyra said, snapping her fingers. "Watch what Navy and I can do!" She glanced at Navy, who morphed into a massive scythe with a pale blue blade. Lyra took the scythe in her hand, a grin on her face.

"WHOA!" Splatter said, taking a step back. "Since when could you do that?!"

Lyra shrugged. "We don't know," she said. "Isn't it awesome!?"

Splatter nodded, too amazed to say anything. "You look like you've never seen a meister or a weapon before." Soul said, smiling slightly.

"I-I haven't." She told him.

Soul looked slightly surprised. "Really?" He asked. "You have meister blood and you don't even know what a meister or a weapon is?!"

Maka whacked Soul in the head. "Don't be rude!" She scolded him. "She probably isn't from around here!"

Splatter sat down on the couch. "None of us are," she said. "W-Where are we, anyway?"

Maka smiled again. "You're in our apartment, in Death City." She said. "We have an academy for meisters and weapons, you could go there if you want to find a partner."

Splatter looked down at her feet. "I-I don't know..." She said. "I'm not very good with n-new people...."

Lyra sat down next to her with Navy still in her hand. "Don't worry," Navy said, even though she was still a scythe. "We can help you!"

"We can help too!" Maka said. "We have tons of friends, I'm sure they'd love to meet you!"

Splatter looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks." She said. "So, w-when can we meet them?"

"Actually, school starts in about an hour." Maka said. "I could make breakfast, then Soul and I could take you all to the academy!"

Lyra jumped up. "Yay!" She shouted, hugging Maka.

Maka looked a little surprised, which made Splatter laugh a little. "Warning!" She said. "Lyra's a bit of a hugger."

Maka laughed. "I can see that!" She said as Lyra let go. "I'll go make breakfast. Soul, keep the girls company."

Soul opened his mouth to protest, then decided not to. He sat down next to Splatter and Lyra. Navy transformed back into a human and sat on the other side of Lyra. Silence settled over the group, making Splatter feel uncomfortable. "S-so," Splatter said, feeling awkward. She didn't usually start conversations. "What kind of w-weapon do you turn into, Soul?"

Soul glanced at her. "I turn into a Demon Scythe." He said. "Kind of like Navy, but I have a different design."

Splatter smiled. "Cool," she said. "I hope my partner is a scythe, i-if I ever have one, that is."

"If?" Soul asked. "What makes you think you won't find a partner?"

Splatter shrugged. "I-I'm not very good with people." She said.

Soul smiled slightly. "You sound like someone else I know." He said.

"Breakfast is ready!" Maka called from the kitchen.

Everyone scrambled into the kitchen, causing them to trip over each other and fall flat on their faces. Splatter was the first to get up, she raced around Lyra and Navy and leaped over Soul, who had tripped in the doorway. She then stopped and quietly took a seat at the table. Soul looked up at her, looking quite surprised. "Wow," he said. "You're really fast."

Splatter smiled. "Thank you." She said.

Everyone else got up and took a seat. Maka gave everyone a plate of pancakes that were drowned in syrup. Splatter began to delicately eat her pancakes, unlike Navy, Lyra, and Soul, who scarfed theirs down like someone was going to take it away from them. The pancakes were fluffy and delicious, and the syrup was sweet and slightly sticky. "These are delicious, Maka!" Splatter said.

Maka smiled at her. "Thanks, Splatter!" She said. "I'm glad you like them!"

Everyone continued to eat in silence, mostly because Lyra, Navy, and Soul were too busy stuffing their faces to talk.
I can't wait to go to the academy! Splatter thought. I hope I find a partner, I kinda wish Jeanne was my partner. But I guess that there must be some kind of special connection thing, and Aria matched the connection.

Splatter stopped eating for a moment. What if I don't find a partner? She wondered. Will I not be allowed to go to the academy? What if I won't be able to see Aria and Jeanne if I don't have a weapon?

Splatter shook her head slightly and continued eating. No, She told herself. You'll find someone, even if you don't find them today, you'll find them some other day.

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